This chapter mainly discussed Su Tungpo's returning to north and his death.
Words and expressions:
1....but any ruler who could stand heartrending oppression of the people to build a pleasure garden for himself deserved to lose throne.
heartrending: adj, causing feelings of great sadness.
eg:This is a heartrending story, which made the listeners present shed tears .
2.There was, however ,a temporary spell of good luck for Su Tung po.
spell :n,(1)a short period of time during which sth lasts;or a period of time doing sth or working somewhere
(2)words that are thoight to have magic power or to make a piece of magic work; a piece of magic that happens whensb says these magic words咒语,符咒
a spell of :一阵子,一会儿,一段
eg: There will be a spell of cold weather in this district.
she had a spell as a singer before becoming an actress.
3.In retrospect it would seem that SuvTungpo would gladly change his lot...
In retrospect:thinking about a past situation or event,often with a different opinion of it from the one you had at the previous time回顾,回想,追溯往事
eg: In retrospect, i think i was wrong.
lot:a person's luck or situation in life命运,运气,境况
eg:She was satisfied with her lot.
4....but he has left behind for all of us the joys of his spirit and the pleasure of his mind,and these are imperishable.
perish,to be lost or destoryed
perishable:especilly of food,likely decay or go bad
imperishable:sth that will lastcfor a long time or forever