书名:Written on the Body
作者:Jeanette Winterson
内容简介:In a fantastic world that is and is not seventeenth-century England, a baby is found floating in the Thames. The child, Jordan, is rescued by Dog Woman and grows up to travel the globe like Gulliver—though he finds that the most curious oddities come from his own mind. The spiraling tale leads the reader from discussions on the nature of time to Jordan’s fascination with journeys concealed within other journeys, all with a dizzying speed that jumps from epiphany to shimmering epiphany.
写在身体上的是一个只有在某些光线下才能看到的密码:一生的积累聚集在那里。 在某些地方,翻版的工作量很大,以至于字母感觉像盲文。 我喜欢让我的身体远离窥探,从不展开太多,讲述整个故事。 我不知道路易丝会有读书手。 她把我翻译成她自己的书。