1. My slate wasn't just clean; it was boiled and bleached and shrink-wrapped.
(点评: 水至清则无鱼。 洁身自好到成了洁癖,需要生活在无菌室里,也太无趣了。)
2. I have danced to “Black Coffee in Bed”before and it's the longest six minutes and twelve seconds of your life.
(点评: 我爱委婉语之余音绕梁。)
3. It was Dirty Dancing and he was Patrick Swayze, Saturday Night Fever and he was John Travolta.
(点评: 舞中之王。 看过《周末狂热》的男人马上会爱上迪斯科。)
4. Growing a beard is the closest a man gets to having a pregnant stomach touched by strangers because everyone likes to touch a new beard , unless it's Michael Moor,s. (and have you seen that creepy pregnant man ? He has a beard and a pregnant belly so how do you know which to touch first ?)
(点评: 联想到的字眼:美髯公,隆中对。)