lesson 32 A lost ship
The captain of the Elkor ordered his men to salvage as much as possible from the wreck. Nothing of value was found, but the numerous items which were brought to the surface proved to be of great interest. From a heavy gun that was raised, the captain realized that the ship must have been a cruiser. In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th, 1943. The captain learnt from the letter that the name of the lost ship was the Karen. The most valuable find of all was the ship's log book, parts of which it was still possible to read. From this the captain was able to piecetogether all the information that had come to light. The Karen had been sailing in aconvoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine. This was laterconfirmed by a naval official at the Ministry of Defense after the Elkor had returnedhome. All the items that were found were sent to the War Museum.
/ˈlɛsn/ 32 /ə/ /lɒst/ /ʃɪp/
/ðə/ /ˈkæptɪn/ /ɒv/ /ði/ ˈ/ɛlkər/ /ˈɔːdəd/ /hɪz/ /mɛn/ /tuː/ /ˈsælvɪʤ/ /æz/ /mʌʧ/ /æz/ /ˈpɒsəbl/ /frɒm/ /ðə/ /rɛk/. /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ /ɒv/ /ˈvæljuː/ /wɒz/ /faʊnd/, /bʌt/ /ðə/ /ˈnjuːmərəs/ /ˈaɪtəmz/ /wɪʧ/ /wɜː/ /brɔːt/ /tuː/ /ðə/ /ˈsɜːfɪs/ /pruːvd/ /tuː/ /biː/ /ɒv/ /greɪt/ /ˈɪntrɪst/. /frɒm/ /ə/ /ˈhɛvi/ /gʌn/ /ðæt/ /wɒz/ /reɪzd/, /ðə/ /ˈkæptɪn/ /ˈrɪəlaɪzd/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /ʃɪp/ /mʌst/ /hæv/ /biːn/ /ə/ /ˈkruːzə/. /ɪn/ /əˈnʌðə/ /ʧɛst/, /wɪʧ/ /kənˈteɪnd/ /ðə/ /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/ /ɒv/ /ə/ /ʃɪps/ /ˈɒfɪsə/, /ðeə/ /wɒz/ /ən/ /ʌnˈfɪnɪʃt/ /ˈlɛtə/ /wɪʧ/ /hæd/ /biːn/ /ˈrɪtn/ /ɒn/ /mɑːʧ/ 14th, 1943. /ðə/ /ˈkæptɪn/ /lɜːnt/ /frɒm/ /ðə/ /ˈlɛtə/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /neɪm/ /ɒv/ /ðə/ /lɒst/ /ʃɪp/ /wɒz/ /ðə/ /ˈkærən/. /ðə/ /məʊst/ /ˈvæljʊəbl/ /faɪnd/ /ɒv/ /ɔːl/ /wɒz/ /ðə/ /ʃɪps/ /lɒg/ /bʊk/, /pɑːts/ /ɒv/ /wɪʧ/ /ɪt/ /wɒz/ /stɪl/ /ˈpɒsəbl/ /tuː/ /riːd/. /frɒm/ /ðɪs/ /ðə/ /ˈkæptɪn/ /wɒz/ /ˈeɪbl/ /tuː/ /piːs/ /təˈgɛðər/ /ɔːl/ /ði /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən/ /ðæt/ /hæd/ /kʌm/ /tuː/ /laɪt/. /ðə/ /ˈkærən/ /hæd/ /biːn/ /ˈseɪlɪŋ/ /ɪn/ /ə/ /ˈkɒnvɔɪ/ /tuː/ /ˈrʌʃə/ /wɛn/ /ʃiː/ /wɒz/ /tɔː/ /ˈpiːdəʊd/ /baɪ/ /ən/ /ˈɛnɪmi/ /ˌsʌbməˈriːn/. /ðɪs/ /wɒz/ /ˈleɪtə/ /kənˈfɜːmd/ /baɪ/ /ə/ /ˈneɪvəl/ /əˈfɪʃəl/ /æt/ /ðə/ /ˈmɪnɪstri/ /ɒv/ /dɪˈfɛns/ /ˈɑːftə/ /ði/ /ˈɛlkə/ /hæd/ /rɪˈtɜːnd/ /həʊm/. /ɔːl/ /ði/ /ˈaɪtəmz/ /ðæt/ /wɜː/ /faʊnd/ /wɜː/ /sɛnt/ /tuː/ /ðə/ /wɔː/ /mju(ː)ˈzɪəm/.
(2) 学单词
1) salvage /ˈsælvɪʤ/ v. 营救
2) sunken /ˈsʌŋkən/ a.沉没的
3) cargo /ˈkɑːgəʊ/ n. 货物
4) bullion /ˈbʊljən/ n. 金条
5) scour /ˈskaʊə/ v. 彻底搜索
7) chest /ʧɛst/ n. 大箱子
8) contents /ˈkɒntɛnts/ n. 所装的东西
9) belongings /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/ n. 所有物
10) item /ˈaɪtəm/ n.物件
11) cruiser /ˈkruːzə/ n. 巡洋舰
12) find /faɪnd/ n. 找到的物品
13) log book /lɒg/ /bʊk/ n. 航海日志
14) piece /piːs/ v. 拼成整体
15) convoy /ˈkɒnvɔɪ/ n. 护航
16) torpedo /tɔːˈpiːdəʊ/ v. 用鱼雷攻击
17) submarine /ˌsʌbməˈriːn/ n. 潜水艇
18) naval /ˈneɪvəl/ a. 海军的
19) ministry /ˈmɪnɪstri/ n. (政府的)部