Background material :http://homeguides.sfgate.com/oak-trees-bloom-66716.html
精彩语句摘抄如下:In a span of 20 years or so, it soars up challenging the clouds and lasts for around 600 years.
They appear in spring when temperature startsto go up, prosper in summer with sufficient sun light and humidity, turn into autumn colors as they stop photosynthesizing and fall away in winter, putting the tree in dormancy and setting the stage for the next such cycle.
Undisputedly, the oak tree is the king of theWestern world.Majestic and towering, oak trees featurea large canopy top and a straight trunk growing upward. In spring, new leaves sprout,signaling the onset of the cycle of growth. Through photosynthesis, oak trees obtainthe energy needed for growing. In this process, carbon dioxide and sunlightabsorbed by chlorophyll in the leaves are converted to organic matter, which isthen passed down via the phloem in the trunk to nourish the whole tree. In addition,water and minerals are absorbed from the soil by its deep and broad root systemand then get transported up by the xylem to the leaves, where water is used asan essential input for successful photosynthesis.
Oak trees self-pollinate, in other words,they produce both male and female flowers. Nestled against the base of twigs, thefemale flowers are hard to see and look much like tiny leaf buds, hence being ratherlow-profile. By contrast, the male flowers hang in showy, long andyellowish-green clusters. The seeds – acorns will take one to two years before droppingfrom the tree.
When summer comes, stronger sunlightstimulate the photosynthesis process, along with more rapid hydraulic cycles inhot temperatures. The tree increases in height, its trunk grows thicker andgreener leaves thrive. As fall sets in, the leaves put on more red and orangecolor. Winter will see the whole tree falls asleep with bare branches, waitingfor life to rejuvenate in the next spring. Under optimal conditions, the oaktree can grow as high as 130 feet and last for 600 years.
Bud同义词:shoot (up)、sprout;Blossom, bloom特指花;
Fuel同义词:feed, intensify, stimulate, provoke,whip up