'Uber for bikes': Chinese firm eys global dominion with lunch in Manchester.
Mobike to open 'dockless' bike share scheme in Manchester with initial 1,000 bikes as chinese companies take aggressive battle for market share to the west.
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They have been active in Singapore since the beginning of the year I think. The problem I see is that at the end of the peoples' journeys the bike are dumped haphazardly, with no thought as to possible dangers they might cause. Entances to stations blocked, pavements blocked etc.
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Mobike and Ofo should focus on experience of their users instead of expending so dramatically. Mobike App freezes my phone every time I open it, while Ofo bikes are are way too easy to be looted or abused with no GPS on them.
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Exactly my experience too, but the truth is they just don't care about the user experience or the bikes. The business is the investments they do with the deposits. The bikes are basically just a front to persuade you to lend them 200/300 yuan for a while.
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I think they underestimate the selfish, aggressive and dangerous natrue of British cyclists...
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What is to stop someone from picking a load of these bikes up and then running them down to an unscrupulous scrap dealer?
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Their moral compass?
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By 'someone', do you mean 'me'?