- By Zoe Z.
2 月的第一个周日纽约还下着雨,Lisa 和何老师先后到我的住处附近与我见面,周到细致地与我详谈实习安排和需要注意的事项。按照何老师设计的内科与病理紧密结合的实习计划,第一天便在长岛的内镜室及何老师办公室实习,收获满满。
1. 在胃肠专科医生和麻醉医生指导下的内镜室实习
首先感受到的是医生与其他医务工作人员之间密切有序的合作和融洽的工作氛围, 我有机会学习医护人员与病人交流的包括 verbal and body language 的各种技巧 。在内镜室的半天时间,我接触学习到了至少十个病人 EGD 和 colonoscopy 内镜下表现,最重要的是有机会将书本知识与临床实践相结合,结合病人的病史查体来理解内镜的使用指征,深刻感到这与之前看书相比,事半功倍。实习中初步了解了美国尤其是白种人群中 GI outpatient clinic 常见的病种,接触到的疾病表现包括 esophagitis, gastritis (including drug-induced), sliding hiatal hernia, gastric erosion, esophageal ring, colon polyps 等。其中有一些在临床中学到的刷新了我以前对某些疾病的理解,比如,‘sliding hiatal hernia 在临床上发生率很高’,这次有机会观摩其在内镜下的诊断,实习后再回头去找临床资料,则发现了其中短短一句话的深刻含义,恍然大悟!
见习的同时我还有机会参与到内镜室病人操作前后的临床准备中, 帮助、协助麻醉医师的工作,整个过程下来感觉无形中锻炼了临床技能,可以找各种机会练习口语。通过学习真实临床情境下医生与病人的互动,感觉对 CS 的学习和如何用 lay language 有效、简洁地与病人交流有很大启发和帮助。值得一提的是,这次遇到了一个吸烟病人内镜操作中需要紧急保护病人气道的情况,我不仅亲身帮助麻醉医生的工作,还学到了如何在操作前评估病人的风险、操作中如何检测和急救,以及如何在操作前后充分告知病人和对病人及家属进行一系列的 consultation。后面医生的consultation live show 感觉可谓秒杀一切照本宣科的 CS 教程。
2. 在何老师的指导下学习使用两种软件 sign out 病理报告
首先何老师一再强调,所有病理操作都要严格符合 standard operating policy,病理文件保存期 2 年,切片保存长达 10 至 20 年;在工作中一定要严肃认真对待各项程序,是对自己的专业素养和对病人的负责,也是对自我的保护。使用过的含有任何病人信息的资料一定要及时销毁!
何老师指导我 sign out 十几份不同病例的过程中,讲解了病理工作以及平时学习要注意的精华要点,用实例说明了medical knowledge 在病理工作中的重要性。我初步了解了GI pathology 的诊断语言规范,除此以外根据病人病史提供的重要信息,要注意着重描述有价值的表现,尤其是阴性表现。
辅导时涉及到的 pathology 专业知识:
1)Brunner’s gland is shown as the pale stained areas of the submucosa. It is unique to the duodenum and clearly differentiating it from the other segments of the small intestine.
2)Brunner’s gland hyperplasia vs adenoma
It is clinically important to differentiate Brunner’s gland hyperplasia and Brunner’s gland adenoma. Brunner’s gland hyperplasia could be easily mistaken for neoplastic lesions. It is comprised of proliferating glands with maintenance of a lobular architecture and fibrous septa separating the hyperplastic lobules. It may sometimes manifest as solitary or multiple small nodules.
Brunner’s gland adenoma is a rareduodenal lesion comprising less than 5% of benign duodenal tumors. Most Brunner’s gland adenoma is small size masses and many patients are asymptomatic.Occasionally, they may be large in size with clinical manifestations of hemorrhage or obstruction. It is comprised of nodular hyperplastic Brunner's glands with an unusual admixture of normal tissues, including ducts, adipose tissue and lymphoid tissue.
3)Fundic gland polyp
It is common in older people and is a reasonable differential for a polypoid structure in the stomach.Pathologically, it looks like oxyntic mucosa but with cystically dilated glands.
4)Reactive gastropathy
Reactive gastropathy refers to the constellation of endoscopic and histologic findings caused by chemical injury to the gastric mucosa. The histology is characterized by foveolar hyperplasia with edema, smooth muscle hyperplasia, and congestion of superficial capillaries in the lamina propria in the absence of significant inflammation.
1. Sobotta/Hammersen Histology. Color altas of microscopic anatomy.Frithjof Hammersen, MD. Third edition, Urban & Schwarzenberg.
2. https://www.humpath.com/spip.php?article19237
3. The practice of surgical pathology, A beginner’s guide to the diagnosticprocess. Diana Weedman Molavi, MD, PhD. 2008 Springer.
4. Sorleto M et al. Brunner’s gland adenoma-a rare cause ofgastrointestinal bleeding: case report and systematic review. Case. Rep.Gastroenterol., 2017, 11(1):1-8.
5. http://www.histopathology-india.net/bgad.htm
6. Lu L et al. Brunner’s gland adenoma of duonenum: report of two cases. Int.J. Clin. Exp. Pathol., 2015, 8(6): 7565-7569.
7. Spiegel A et al. A report of gastric fundic gland polyps, 2010, 6(1):45-48.
8. Burt RW et al. Gastric fundic gland polyps. Gastroenterology, 2003, 125:1462-1469.
2/9/2018 于美国纽约
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