英文 | 中文 |
Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? | 你准备好面对终极挑战了吗 |
I'm always ready! | 时刻准备着 |
Then you know what this means! | 那你知道这意味着什么吧 |
Syrup race! | 糖浆比赛 |
- Go, sir syrup! - Go, mountie man! | -来吧糖浆爵士-来吧骑警先生 |
- Go go! Go go! - Almost... Almost... | -来啊来啊-快了快了 |
Yes! | 耶 |
I won! | 我赢了 |
Ho ho, no way! | 噢不是吧 |
Hey, Mabel, check this out. | 梅宝你看这个 |
Human-sized hamster balls? | 真人大小的仓鼠球 |
I'm human-sized! | 我就是真人大小的 |
No, no, Mabel. This. | 不不梅宝我是指这个 |
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We see weirder stuff than that every day. | 我们每天都能看到比这个更古怪的东西 |
怪物拍照比赛 赢得1000元 | |
We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we? | 我们没有给那些小矮人拍下照片对吧 |
Nope, just memories. And this beard hair. | 没有只有回忆跟这撮胡子 |
Why did you save that? | 你留着它干嘛 |
Uhh! Good morning, knuckleheads. | 早上好蠢蛋们 |
You two know what day it is? | 你们知道今天是什么日子吗 |
Um... Happy anniversary? | 呃周年纪念日吗 |
Mazel tov! | 好运日吗 |
It's family fun day, genius! | 是家庭欢乐日啊天才们 |
We're cuttin' off work and havin' one of those, ya know, | 今天我们不工作然后尝试干点儿你懂的 |
Bonding-type deals. | 就是联络感情的事儿 |
Grunkle Stan, is this gonna | 斯坦舅公这次会像 |
be anything like our last family bonding day? | 上次的家庭欢乐日那样吗 |
You call that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman! | 你管这人叫富兰克林他看起来像个女的 |
Uh-oh! | 糟了 |
Ohh! The county jail was so cold. | 哎县监狱太寒冷了 |
All right, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker. | 好吧或许我不是最佳夏日监护人 |
But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. | 但我发誓今天我们会享受到真正的家庭乐趣 |
Now, who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car? | 现在谁想戴上眼罩然后跟我上车啊 |
- Yay! - Yay! | -耶-耶 |
Wait. What? | 等一下什么 |
Blindfolds never lead to anything good. | 戴眼罩从来不会遇上什么好事 |
Wow. I feel like all my other senses are heightened. | 哇我感觉我的其他感官功能都加强了 |
I can see with my fingers. | 我能用手指看东西 |
Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold? | 斯坦舅公你也带眼罩了吗 |
Ha ha! Nah, but with these cataracts, I might as well be. | 哈哈没有但我的白内障跟戴了眼罩差不多 |
What is that, a woodpecker? | 那是什么啄木鸟吗 |
Okay, okay, open 'em up. | 好了好了拿下眼罩 |
Ta-da! It's fishin' season! | 看啊现在是钓鱼季节 |
- Fishing? - What are you playing at, old man? | -钓鱼-你想玩什么老家伙 |
You're gonna love it! The whole town's out here! | 你们会喜欢钓鱼的整个小镇的人都到这里来了 |
Here, fishy-fishies! Get into the pan. | 来吧多心的鱼儿快到锅里来 |
Say "Cheese." | 说茄子 |
Uh, is this good? | 呃这样行吗 |
No!!! | 不行 |
I'll show you how a real man fishes! | 我来告诉你们真正的男子汉是怎么钓鱼的 |
- Dead! Dead! - Dead! Dead! | -好啊好啊-好啊好啊 |
Get him! Get him! | 打得好打得好 |
That's some quality family bonding! | 那才是像样的感情联络嘛 |
Uncle Stan, why do you want to bond with us all of a sudden? | 斯坦舅公为什么你突然想跟我们联络感情 |
Come on, this is gonna be great! | 拜托这将会非常有趣的 |
I've never had fishin' buddies before. | 我从来没有过钓鱼伙伴 |
The guys from the lodge won't go with me. | 共济会的那些家伙不肯跟我来 |
They don't like or trust me. | 他们既不喜欢或也不信任我 |
I think he actually wants to fish with us. | 我觉得他真的想跟我们一起钓鱼呢 |
Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up. | 我知道要怎么让你们两小鬼高兴起来 |
Pines family fishin' hats. | 派恩斯家钓鱼帽 |
That's hand-stitching, ya know. | 那是手缝的知道吗 |
It's just gonna be you, me, | 今天将会是只有你们俩跟我 |
and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours! | 还有这两顶古怪帽子在船上一起度过的美妙十小时 |
Ten hours?! | 十小时 |
I brought the joke book. | 我带了笑话书 |
No. No! | 不不 |
There has to be a way out of this. | 肯定有什么办法能逃走 |
I seen it! | 我看见它了 |
I seen it again! | 我又看见它了 |
The Gravity Falls gobblewonker! | 重力泉的湖怪 |
Come quick before he scrapdoodles away! | 快赶在它窜走前看一眼 |
Aw. He's doing a happy jig. | 啊他在跳开心舞 |
No!!! It's a jig of grave danger! | 不这是死亡之舞 |
Now, what did I tell you about scaring my customers? | 我跟你说过不要骚扰我的客人 |
This is your last warning, dad. | 这是给你的终极警告老爸 |
But I got proof this time, by gummity! | 但是我这次找到证据了 |
Behold! | 看啊 |
It's gobbledywonker what done did it! | 是那只湖怪干的好事 |
It had a long neck like a gee-raffe, | 它的脖子就像长颈鹿那么长 |
- and wrinkly skin like... like this gentleman right here. - Huh? | -而且它的皮肤满布皱纹就像这位先生这样-什么 |
It chopped my boat up to smitheroons! | 它把我的船撕成了木块 |
It shim-shammed over to Scuttlebutt Island! | 而且它向水桶岛游去了 |
Ya gotta believe me!!! | 你们一定要相信我 |
Attention, all units. | 各部门注意 |
We got ourselves a crazy old man. | 我们遇到了一个发疯的老人 |
Aw, donkey spittle! Banjo Polish... | 哎驴唾沫波兰班卓 |
Well, that happened. | 哎这是常有的事 |
Now, let's untie this boat and get out on that lake! | 现在我们要解开绳索向湖中心出发 |
Mabel, did you hear what that old dude said? | 梅宝你听到那个老人说什么了吗 |
"Aw, donkey spittle!" | 哎驴唾液 |
The other thing... about the monster. | 是另一句话那个怪物的事情 |
If we can snag a photo of it, | 如果我们能拍到湖怪的照片 |
we could split the prize fifty-fifty. | 我们就可以平分奖品 |
That's two fifties! | 那是两个五十耶 |
Imagine what you could do with five hundred dollars! | 想象一下如果你有五百块钱会怎么用 |
Not so high and mighty anymore. | 嚣张不起来了吧 |
Hey, boys. | 你好啊帅哥们 |
You can look... But you can't touch. | 只可远观不可亵玩哦 |
Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! | 吱吱吱吱 |
Squeak squeak... | 吱吱 |
Awesome! | 太赞了 |
Mabel. Mabel? | 梅宝梅宝 |
Dipper, I am one million percent onboard with this! | 迪普我百分百同意这事儿 |
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Grunkle Stan! Change of plans! | 斯坦舅公计划有变 |
We're taking that boat to Scuttlebutt Island, | 我们要坐船去水桶岛 |
and we are gonna find that gobblewonker. | 而且我们要找湖怪 |
- Monster Hunt! - Monster Hunt! | -猎湖怪-猎湖怪 |
- Monster... - Monster Hunt! | -湖怪-猎湖怪 |
Monster... eh... | 湖怪呃 |
I'll go. | 我还是走吧 |
You dudes say something about a monster Hunt? | 你们是说想去猎湖怪吗 |
- Zeus! - What's up, hambone? | -苏斯-你好啊小家伙 |
- Kapoosh! - Pow! Explode! | -噼里啪啦-嘭爆炸 |
Dude, you could totally use my boat for your Hunt. | 伙计们你们可以乘我的船去猎湖怪 |
It's got a steering wheel, chairs... normal boat stuff. | 船上有方向盘椅子还有该有的设备 |
All right, let's think this through. | 好了好了让我好好想想 |
You kids could go waste your time on some epic monster-finding adventure, | 你们俩可以选择参加浪费时间的猎湖怪冒险 |
or you could spend the day | 或者跟你们伟大的 |
learning how to tie knots and skewer worms with your great uncle Stan! | 斯坦舅公学习绑绳结跟串虫子 |
So, whaddya say? | 怎么样 |
We made the right choice! | 我们作了正确的抉择 |
Ingrates! Ah, who needs 'em? | 忘恩无义的家伙谁需要他们啊 |
I got a whole box of creepy fishin' lures to keep me company. | 我有一盒奇怪的鱼饵作伴呢 |
Hoist the anchor! | 起锚 |
Raise the flag! | 升旗 |
We're gonna find that gobblewonker! | 我们要找到湖怪 |
We're gonna win that photo contest! | 我们要赢得照相比赛 |
Do any of you dudes have sunscreen? | 你们两带防晒油了吗 |
We're gonna... Go get sunscreen! | 我们要要去拿防晒油 |
Yay! | 耶 |
All right, if we want to win this contest, | 好吧如果我们想赢比赛 |
we've gotta do it right. | 我们就得把事情做对 |
Think. What the #1 problem with most monster hunts? | 大家想想对于湖怪猎人来说最重要的问题是什么 |
You're a side character and | 你只是个配角 |
you die in the first five minutes of the movie. | 而且你在电影出场五分钟后就挂了 |
Dude, am I a side character? | 伙计我是个配角吗 |
Do you ever think about stuff like that? | 你们考虑这些问题吗 |
No, no, no... camera trouble. | 不不不是相机问题 |
Say bigfoot shows up. Zeus, be bigfoot. | 例如说大脚兽出现了苏斯你扮大脚兽 |
There he is! Bigfoot! | 他就在那里大脚兽 |
Uh-oh! No camera! | 糟了没有相机 |
Oh, wait! Here's one! | 哦等一下相机在这里 |
Aw, no film! | 哎没有胶卷 |
You see what I'm doing here? | 你懂我的意思吗 |
- Uh-huh. - Dude's got a point. | -嗯-这家伙说得有道理 |
That's why I bought seventeen disposable cameras. | 所以我买了十七部一次性照相机 |
Two on my ankle, three in my jacket, | 两部藏在我的脚踝边三部在我的夹克里 |
four for each of you, three extras in this bag, | 你们每人四部另外三部在这个包里面 |
and one under my hat. | 还有一部在我的帽子下面 |
There's no way we're gonna Miss this. | 我们肯定不会错过拍照机会 |
Okay, everybody, let's test our cameras out. | 好了伙计们开始测试相机 |
Ahh! Dude! | 哎伙计 |
You see? This is exactly why you need backup cameras. | 看见了吗这就是为什么你们需要后备相机 |
We still have sixteen. | 我们还有十六部 |
Ahh! Bird! | 哎笨鸟 |
Fifteen. Okay, guys, I repeat, don't lose your cameras. | 十五部好了伙计们我重申一遍不要弄丢相机 |
- Wait. Lose the cameras? - Don't! | -什么丢掉相机-别 |
Dude, I just threw two away. | 伙计我刚刚扔掉了两部 |
Thirteen! | 十三部 |