The Story of Philosophy《哲学的故事》第1章Plato第4节IV. The Ethical Problem第2段第2句:
Cephalus answers that wealth is a blessing to him chiefly because it enables him to be generous and honest and just. Socrates, after his sly fashion, asks him just what he meant by justice; and therewith lets loose the dogs of philosophic war. For nothing is so difficult as definition, nor anything so severe a test and exercise of mental clarity and skill. Socrates finds it a simple matter to destroy one after another the definitions offered him; until at last Trasymachus, less patient than the rest, breaks out "with a roar":
" What folly be possess you, Socrates? And why do you others all drop down at one another's feet in this silly way? I say that if you want to know what justice is, you should answer and not ask, and shouldn't pride yourself on refuting others…. For there are many who can ask but cannot answer"(336)
浙江大学译本: 苏格拉底狡猾地诘问,他所说的正义指什么;于是,一场关于哲学的论战便发生了。
1、Socrates, after his sly fashion, asks him just what he meant by justice;
sly: showing that you know a secret (眼神、表情或话语)会意的,心照不宣的
During the silence a sly look came not Caderousse's eyes.沉默片刻后,Caderousse眼中出现了诡秘的神情。《基督山伯爵》
on the sly: in a secret way.偷偷地
It must be done, as I may say, on the sly. 正如我所说,必须偷偷地做。《远大前程》
fashion: a specified way of acting or behaving以……方式;以……方法
They appear randomly, often in the most tantalizing fashion. 它们东一块西一块地出现,往往以最撩人的方式出现。《万物简史》
after a fashion: to a slight or minor degree, somewhat某种程度,差强人意,马马虎虎
That is done after a fashion by the orphans.孤儿们勉强做完了。《面纱》
2、and therewith lets loose the dogs of philosophic war.
therewith along with, in company with随其,与之,与此,
One notes the obvious: decline of conventional religion, free discussion of the old moral standards; therewith, a growth of materialism which favors every anarchic tendency.一个人注意显而易见的事情:传统宗教的衰落,对旧首先标准的自由讨论;随之而来的是有利每一种无政府主义倾向的唯物主义的增长。《四季随笔》
let loose the dogs of war:比较常见的说法,表示“发动战争,挑起战争”。它由loose the dogs“放开狗(让狗去攻击、追逐等)”引申而来,war隐喻为像被放开的狗一样具有攻击性和破坏性。