最近的生活好像是按部就班,充实感很足的,比如,每天早起做饭吃饭,并准备中午的饭菜,有荤有素有干有稀有精有粗有凉有热,每天按时上下班,每天硬着头皮啃英语,每天健步走,每天打扫房间,有时会画画有时会看电影有时会看小说,可昨天突然又有逃逸的冲动,所以去美容院折腾半天,今天?i watched movie in the morning. over.it was almost lunch time.soi went for lunch with my friend at his home .it took me about onehour.chated with him for about one hour.i left for company at 3 pm.had a nap.i worked for half an hour.half an hour did nothing.then i got off.