Degrons are minimal elements that mediate the interaction of proteins with degradation machineries to promote proteolysis.
Despite their central role in proteostasis, the number of known degrons remains small and a facile technology to characterize them is lacking.
Using a strategy combining Global Protein Stability (GPS) profiling with a synthetic human peptidome, we identify thousands of peptides containing degron activity.
Using CRISPR screening, we established that the stability of many proteins is regulated through degrons located at their C-terminus.
We characterize eight Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase (CRL) complexes adaptors that regulate Cterminal degrons including six CRL2 and two CRL4 complexes and computationally implicate multiple non-CRLs in end recognition.
Human proteome analysis revealed that the C-termini of eukaryotic proteins are depleted for C-terminal degrons, suggesting an E3 ligase-dependent modulation of proteome composition. Thus, we propose that a series of ‘C-end rules’ operate to govern protein stability and shape the eukaryotic proteome.