1125 Smallest Sufficient Team 最小的必要团队
In a project, you have a list of required skills req_skills, and a list of people. The ith person people[i] contains a list of skills that the person has.
Consider a sufficient team: a set of people such that for every required skill in req_skills, there is at least one person in the team who has that skill. We can represent these teams by the index of each person.
For example, team = [0, 1, 3] represents the people with skills people[0], people[1], and people[3].
Return any sufficient team of the smallest possible size, represented by the index of each person. You may return the answer in any order.
It is guaranteed an answer exists.
Example 1:
Input: req_skills = ["java","nodejs","reactjs"], people = [["java"],["nodejs"],["nodejs","reactjs"]]
Output: [0,2]
Example 2:
Input: req_skills = ["algorithms","math","java","reactjs","csharp","aws"], people = [["algorithms","math","java"],["algorithms","math","reactjs"],["java","csharp","aws"],["reactjs","csharp"],["csharp","math"],["aws","java"]]
Output: [1,2]
1 <= req_skills.length <= 16
1 <= req_skills[i].length <= 16
req_skills[i] consists of lowercase English letters.
All the strings of req_skills are unique.
1 <= people.length <= 60
0 <= people[i].length <= 16
1 <= people[i][j].length <= 16
people[i][j] consists of lowercase English letters.
All the strings of people[i] are unique.
Every skill in people[i] is a skill in req_skills.
It is guaranteed a sufficient team exists.
作为项目经理,你规划了一份需求的技能清单 req_skills,并打算从备选人员名单 people 中选出些人组成一个「必要团队」( 编号为 i 的备选人员 people[i] 含有一份该备选人员掌握的技能列表)。
所谓「必要团队」,就是在这个团队中,对于所需求的技能列表 req_skills 中列出的每项技能,团队中至少有一名成员已经掌握。可以用每个人的编号来表示团队中的成员:
例如,团队 team = [0, 1, 3] 表示掌握技能分别为 people[0],people[1],和 people[3] 的备选人员。
请你返回 任一 规模最小的必要团队,团队成员用人员编号表示。你可以按 任意顺序 返回答案,题目数据保证答案存在。
示例 :
示例 1:
输入:req_skills = ["java","nodejs","reactjs"], people = [["java"],["nodejs"],["nodejs","reactjs"]]
示例 2:
输入:req_skills = ["algorithms","math","java","reactjs","csharp","aws"], people = [["algorithms","math","java"],["algorithms","math","reactjs"],["java","csharp","aws"],["reactjs","csharp"],["csharp","math"],["aws","java"]]
1 <= req_skills.length <= 16
1 <= req_skills[i].length <= 16
req_skills[i] 由小写英文字母组成
req_skills 中的所有字符串 互不相同
1 <= people.length <= 60
0 <= people[i].length <= 16
1 <= people[i][j].length <= 16
people[i][j] 由小写英文字母组成
people[i] 中的所有字符串 互不相同
people[i] 中的每个技能是 req_skills 中的技能
m, n 分别为技能数和人数
因为技能最多 16 个, 可以用一个整形记录所有技能, 每一个二进制位取 1 表示有对应技能
使用 map 记录下当前的技能对应的下标
设 dp[i] 表示获得当前技能组合需要的最少人数
dp.back() 表示获取所有技能组合需要的最少人数
设当前人对应的技能组合为 cur, cur 使用或计算求取
使用 cur 更新 dp, dp[cur | j] = dp[j] + 1, 0 <= j < (1 << m)
使用 team 维护当前 dp 对应的人的列表
最后返回 team.back() 表示获取所有技能的队伍
时间复杂度为 O(n * 2 ^ m), 空间复杂度为 O(n * 2 ^ m)
class Solution
vector<int> smallestSufficientTeam(vector<string>& req_skills, vector<vector<string>>& people)
int m = req_skills.size(), n = people.size();
vector<int> dp((1 << m), -1);
dp.front() = 0;
unordered_map<string, int> skills;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) skills[req_skills[i]] = i;
vector<vector<int>> team((1 << m), vector<int>());
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int cur = 0;
for (const auto& s : people[i]) cur |= (1 << skills[s]);
for (int j = 0, x = 0; j < (1 << m); j++)
if (dp[j] > -1)
if (dp[x = cur | j] == -1 or dp[x] > dp[j] + 1)
dp[x] = dp[j] + 1;
team[x].insert(team[x].end(), team[j].begin(), team[j].end());
return team.back();
class Solution {
public int[] smallestSufficientTeam(String[] req_skills, List<List<String>> people) {
int m = req_skills.length, n = people.size(), dp[] = new int[1 << m];
Arrays.fill(dp, -1);
dp[0] = 0;
Map<String, Integer> skills = new HashMap<>(m);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) skills.put(req_skills[i], i);
List<List<Integer>> team = new ArrayList<>(1 << m);
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << m); i++) team.add(new ArrayList<>());
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int cur = 0;
for (String s : people.get(i)) cur |= (1 << skills.get(s));
for (int j = 0, x = 0; j < (1 << m); j++) {
if (dp[j] > -1) {
if (dp[x = cur | j] == -1 || dp[x] > dp[j] + 1) {
dp[x] = dp[j] + 1;
return team.get((1 << m) - 1).stream().mapToInt(i -> i).toArray();
class Solution:
def smallestSufficientTeam(self, req_skills: List[str], people: List[List[str]]) -> List[int]:
dp, n, skills, team, or_function = [0] + [-1] * ((1 << (m := len(req_skills))) - 1), len(people), {v: i for i, v in enumerate(req_skills)}, [[] for _ in range(1 << m)], lambda x, y: x | (1 << y)
for i in range(n):
cur = reduce(or_function, [0] + [skills[x] for x in people[i]])
for j in range(1 << m):
if dp[j] > -1:
if dp[x := cur | j] == -1 or dp[x] > dp[j] + 1:
dp[x], team[x] = dp[j] + 1, team[j] + [i]
return team[-1]