



注: 正态性检验可用shapiro.test,本题数据可以直接从附件strawberry.txt读取。


# 设置工作目录
> setwd("C:/Users/My/Desktop/")
# 读取数据并保存到strawberry中
> strawberry <- read.table("strawberry.txt",header = T)
# 查看strawberry文件的内容
> strawberry
   breed  vc
1      a 117
2      a  99
3      a 107
4      a 112
5      a 113
6      a 106
7      b  81
8      b  77
9      b  79
10     b  76
11     b  85
12     b  87
13     b  74
14     b  45
15     b  72
16     b  80
17     c  80
18     c  82
19     c  78
20     c  84
21     c  89
22     c  53
23     c  86
24     c  88
# 对A草莓的维生素C的含量进行正态性检验
> shapiro.test(strawberry$vc[strawberry$breed=='a'])

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  strawberry$vc[strawberry$breed == "a"]
W = 0.96749, p-value = 0.8752

p-value 值为 0.8752 > 0.05, 所以接受原假设,A种草莓维C含量符合正态分布


> shapiro.test(strawberry$vc[strawberry$breed == 'b'])

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  strawberry$vc[strawberry$breed == "b"]
W = 0.75208, p-value = 0.003783
# p 值结果为 0.003783 < 0.05, 所以B草莓维生素C含量不符合正态分布

# 对草莓C 进行状态性检验
> shapiro.test(strawberry$vc[strawberry$breed == 'c'])

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  strawberry$vc[strawberry$breed == "c"]
W = 0.72984, p-value = 0.004876

p < 0.05, 所以C草莓的维生素C含量不符合正态分布


> bartlett.test(vc~breed, data = strawberry)

    Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

data:  vc by breed
Bartlett's K-squared = 2.0697, df = 2, p-value = 0.3553

# p-value= 0.3553  > 0.05, 所以拒绝原假设,所以满足方差齐次要求 


> attach(strawberry)
> kruskal.test(vc~breed)

    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  vc by breed
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 14.344, df = 2, p-value = 0.0007676

#p-value < 0.05, 所以品种A、B、C的维生素C含量存在差异

# 分析各个品种两两之间存在差异与否
> pairwise.wilcox.test(vc,breed,p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")

    Pairwise comparisons using Wilcoxon rank sum test 

data:  vc and breed 

  a       b      
b 0.00075 -      
c 0.00200 0.39216

P value adjustment method: bonferroni 
Warning message:
In wilcox.test.default(xi, xj, paired = paired, ...) :

可以看出A与B、A与C之间成wilcox.test 检验的p值远小于0.05,而B与C之间则大于0.05,所以A品种的维生素C含量与其他品种不同,B、C品种则没有明显差异。


we have data collected from the flammability test. a cloth has been cut into 55 pieces. there are 5 labs, and each lab received 11 pieces. these measure correspond to the length in the chart(fabric.csv). if the tests each of these labs have been set up same way would expect results to be similar. since all these measurements were taken from the same bolt of cloth.
1.use box plots to see the data outline
2.are the variances equal across groups according to the Bartlett Test?
3.are the mean lengths the same across groups?
4.if not, which lab is the difference? (pair wise comparison tests)


> fabric <- read.table("fabric.txt",header = T);fabric
   Lab1 Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5
1   3.4  2.7  3.3  3.3  4.1
2   3.1  3.4  3.3  3.2  4.1
3   3.4  3.6  3.5  3.4  3.7
4   3.7  3.2  3.5  2.7  4.2
5   3.1  4.0  2.8  2.7  3.1
6   4.2  4.1  2.8  3.3  3.5
7   3.7  3.8  3.2  2.9  2.8
8   3.9  3.8  2.8  3.2  3.5
9   3.1  4.3  3.8  2.9  3.7
10  3.0  3.4  3.5  2.6  3.5
11  2.9  3.3  3.8  2.8  3.9
> boxplot(fabric)

What we see in the boxplot is there is some variation. The boxplot may suggest there is difference in the mean lengths across the labs So let's test that now use one-way ANOVA, cause there is one factor. we preprocess the data by rearranging this data to two columns(dependent variable, levels)

# 将数据重新排列成两列
> stfabric<- stack(fabric)
# 修改列名为“len”和“lab”
> names(stfabric) <- c("len","lab")
> stfabric
   len  lab
1  3.4 Lab1
2  3.1 Lab1
3  3.4 Lab1
4  3.7 Lab1
5  3.1 Lab1
6  4.2 Lab1
7  3.7 Lab1
8  3.9 Lab1
9  3.1 Lab1
10 3.0 Lab1
11 2.9 Lab1
12 2.7 Lab2
13 3.4 Lab2
14 3.6 Lab2
15 3.2 Lab2
16 4.0 Lab2
17 4.1 Lab2
18 3.8 Lab2
19 3.8 Lab2
20 4.3 Lab2
21 3.4 Lab2
22 3.3 Lab2
23 3.3 Lab3
24 3.3 Lab3
25 3.5 Lab3
26 3.5 Lab3
27 2.8 Lab3
28 2.8 Lab3
29 3.2 Lab3
30 2.8 Lab3
31 3.8 Lab3
32 3.5 Lab3
33 3.8 Lab3
34 3.3 Lab4
35 3.2 Lab4
36 3.4 Lab4
37 2.7 Lab4
38 2.7 Lab4
39 3.3 Lab4
40 2.9 Lab4
41 3.2 Lab4
42 2.9 Lab4
43 2.6 Lab4
44 2.8 Lab4
45 4.1 Lab5
46 4.1 Lab5
47 3.7 Lab5
48 4.2 Lab5
49 3.1 Lab5
50 3.5 Lab5
51 2.8 Lab5
52 3.5 Lab5
53 3.7 Lab5
54 3.5 Lab5
55 3.9 Lab5
# 加载stfabric数据
> attach(stfabric)
> str(stfabric)
'data.frame':   55 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ len: num  3.4 3.1 3.4 3.7 3.1 4.2 3.7 3.9 3.1 3 ...
 $ lab: Factor w/ 5 levels "Lab1","Lab2",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
# 检验各组数据的正态性
> shapiro.test(stfabric[stfabric$lab=="Lab1",1])$p.value
[1] 0.3230597
> shapiro.test(stfabric[stfabric$lab=="Lab2",1])$p.value
[1] 0.9332868
> shapiro.test(stfabric[stfabric$lab=="Lab3",1])$p.value
[1] 0.1293238
> shapiro.test(stfabric[stfabric$lab=="Lab4",1])$p.value
[1] 0.2042771
> shapiro.test(stfabric[stfabric$lab=="Lab5",1])$p.value
[1] 0.4806684

# 其p-value均小于0.05,表明各组数据均服从正态分布

# 检验数据的方差齐性
> bartlett.test(len~lab)

    Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

data:  len by lab
Bartlett's K-squared = 2.4179, df = 4, p-value = 0.6594

# 其中p-value < 0.05, 证明具有方差齐性

p-value is higher than 0.05 in each group. the result means that the variances are equal across groups according to the Bartlett Test.

# Are the mean lengths the same across groups? (4’)
# H0: There is no difference means across labs H1: there is at least one difference

# One way anova
> av1 <- aov(len~lab,data = stfabric)
> summary(av1)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
lab          4  2.969  0.7423   4.676 0.00277 **
Residuals   50  7.936  0.1587                   
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

#the F value is 4.5. P value is 0.003, which is highly significant. what we conclude is there is a difference in the means across labs. we reject the null hypothesis

which lab is the difference? (pair wise comparison tests) next obvious question to ask is where the difference lie? here we use the pairwise comparison test TukeyHSD, which gives a reasonable intervals and only works on balanced designs.

# 探究各变量之间的不同,进行各组均值差异的成对检验
> tk <- TukeyHSD(av1)
> tk
  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = len ~ lab, data = stfabric)

                 diff        lwr         upr     p adj
Lab2-Lab1  0.19090909 -0.2898210  0.67163915 0.7932570
Lab3-Lab1 -0.10909091 -0.5898210  0.37163915 0.9673122
Lab4-Lab1 -0.40909091 -0.8898210  0.07163915 0.1299798
Lab5-Lab1  0.23636364 -0.2443664  0.71709370 0.6359580
Lab3-Lab2 -0.30000000 -0.7807301  0.18073006 0.4044590
Lab4-Lab2 -0.60000000 -1.0807301 -0.11926994 0.0076519
Lab5-Lab2  0.04545455 -0.4352755  0.52618461 0.9988350
Lab4-Lab3 -0.30000000 -0.7807301  0.18073006 0.4044590
Lab5-Lab3  0.34545455 -0.1352755  0.82618461 0.2654246
Lab5-Lab4  0.64545455  0.1647245  1.12618461 0.0034711


置信区间包含0组别说明差异不显著(p>0.05),所以由图可知,Lab4-Lab2, Lab5-Lab4 之间有着显著差异,并且其p-adj值均小于0.05







> setwd("C:/Users/My/Desktop")
> beer <- read.table("beer.txt",header = T)
> head(beer)
   A  B time
1 A1 B1 12.0
2 A1 B1 13.0
3 A1 B1 14.5
4 A1 B2  9.5
5 A1 B2 10.0
6 A1 B2 12.5
> attach(beer)


# 双因素ANOVA分析

> ff <- aov(time~A*B,data = beer)
> summary(ff)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
A            1   5.51    5.51   4.008   0.0625 .  
B            3 228.86   76.29  55.482 1.12e-08 ***
A:B          3 107.61   35.87  26.088 2.12e-06 ***
Residuals   16  22.00    1.38                     
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


# 多重比较
> multi.compr <- TukeyHSD(ff)
> AB <- multi.compr$`A:B`
> AB[AB[,4]<0.05,]
                 diff          lwr       upr        p adj
A2:B1-A1:B1 -7.500000 -10.81475692 -4.185243 1.615920e-05
A2:B3-A1:B1  4.166667   0.85190974  7.481424 9.013947e-03
A1:B4-A1:B1  4.833333   1.51857641  8.148090 2.329391e-03
A1:B2-A2:B1  5.000000   1.68524308  8.314757 1.667245e-03
A2:B2-A2:B1  8.333333   5.01857641 11.648090 4.122553e-06
A1:B3-A2:B1  9.500000   6.18524308 12.814757 7.018864e-07
A2:B3-A2:B1 11.666667   8.35190974 14.981424 3.850844e-08
A1:B4-A2:B1 12.333333   9.01857641 15.648090 1.726279e-08
A2:B4-A2:B1 10.500000   7.18524308 13.814757 1.733446e-07
A2:B2-A1:B2  3.333333   0.01857641  6.648090 4.821463e-02
A1:B3-A1:B2  4.500000   1.18524308  7.814757 4.572530e-03
A2:B3-A1:B2  6.666667   3.35190974  9.981424 6.934742e-05
A1:B4-A1:B2  7.333333   4.01857641 10.648090 2.146571e-05
A2:B4-A1:B2  5.500000   2.18524308  8.814757 6.207373e-04
A2:B3-A2:B2  3.333333   0.01857641  6.648090 4.821463e-02
A1:B4-A2:B2  4.000000   0.68524308  7.314757 1.265663e-02



> par(mfrow=c(1,2))
> attach(beer)
> interaction.plot(A,B,time,type = "b",col = c("red","blue","green"))
> interaction.plot(B,A,time,type = "b",col = c("red","blue","green"))


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