// Scale Selected Layers.jsx
// This script scales the selected layers within the active comp.
// First, it prompts the user for a scale_factor.
// Next, it scales all selected layers, including cameras.
function ScaleSelectedLayers(thisObj)
var scriptName = "Scale Selected Layers";
// This variable stores the scale_factor.
var scale_factor = 1.0;
var scale_about_center = true;
// This function is called when the user clicks the "Scale about Upper Left" button
function onCornerButtonClick()
scale_about_center = false;
// This function is called when the user clicks the "Scale about Upper Left" button
function onCenterButtonClick()
scale_about_center = true;
// This function is called when the user enters text for the scale.
function on_textInput_changed()
// Set the scale_factor based on the text.
var value = this.text;
if (isNaN(value)) {
alert(value + " is not a number. Please enter a number.", scriptName);
} else {
scale_factor = value;
function onScaleClick()
var activeItem = app.project.activeItem;
if ((activeItem == null) || !(activeItem instanceof CompItem)) {
alert("Please select or open a composition first.", scriptName);
} else {
var selectedLayers = activeItem.selectedLayers;
if (activeItem.selectedLayers.length == 0) {
alert("Please select at least one layer in the active comp first.", scriptName);
} else {
// Validate the input field, in case the user didn't defocus it first (which often can be the case).
var activeComp = activeItem;
// By bracketing the operations with begin/end undo group, we can
// undo the whole script with one undo operation.
// Create a null 3D layer.
var null3DLayer = activeItem.layers.addNull();
null3DLayer.threeDLayer = true;
// Set its position to (0,0,0).
if (scale_about_center) {
null3DLayer.position.setValue([activeComp.width * 0.5, activeComp.height * 0.5,0]);
} else {
null3DLayer.position.setValue([0, 0, 0]);
// Set null3DLayer as parent of all layers that don't have parents.
makeParentLayerOfUnparentedInArray(selectedLayers, null3DLayer);
// Then for all cameras, scale the Zoom parameter proportionately.
scaleCameraZoomsInArray(selectedLayers, scale_factor);
// Set the scale of the super parent null3DLayer proportionately.
var superParentScale = null3DLayer.scale.value;
superParentScale[0] = superParentScale[0] * scale_factor;
superParentScale[1] = superParentScale[1] * scale_factor;
superParentScale[2] = superParentScale[2] * scale_factor;
// Delete the super parent null3DLayer with dejumping enabled.
// Everything we just did changed the selection. Reselect those
// same layers again.
for (var i = 0; i < selectedLayers.length; i++) {
selectedLayers[i].selected = true;
// Reset scale_factor to 1.0 for next use.
scale_factor = 1.0;
this.parent.parent.optsRow.text_input.text = "1.0";
// This function puts up a modal dialog asking for a scale_factor.
// Once the user enters a value, the dialog closes, and the script scales the comp.
function BuildAndShowUI(thisObj)
// Create and show a floating palette.
var my_palette = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", scriptName, undefined, {resizeable:true});
if (my_palette != null)
var res =
"group { \
orientation:'column', alignment:['fill','top'], alignChildren:['left','top'], spacing:5, margins:[0,0,0,0], \
optsRow: Group { \
orientation:'column', alignment:['fill','top'], \
cornerButton: RadioButton { text:'Scale about Upper Left', preferredSize:[150,20], alignment:['fill','top'] }, \
centerButton: RadioButton { text:'Scale about Center', alignment:['fill','top'], value:'true' }, \
text_input: EditText { text:'1.0', alignment:['left','top'], preferredSize:[80,20] }, \
}, \
cmds: Group { \
alignment:['fill','top'], \
okButton: Button { text:'Scale', alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
}, \
my_palette.margins = [10,10,10,10];
my_palette.grp = my_palette.add(res);
// Workaround to ensure the edittext text color is black, even at darker UI brightness levels.
var winGfx = my_palette.graphics;
var darkColorBrush = winGfx.newPen(winGfx.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [0,0,0], 1);
my_palette.grp.optsRow.text_input.graphics.foregroundColor = darkColorBrush;
my_palette.grp.optsRow.cornerButton.onClick = onCornerButtonClick;
my_palette.grp.optsRow.centerButton.onClick = onCenterButtonClick;
// Set the callback. When the user enters text, this will be called.
my_palette.grp.optsRow.text_input.onChange = on_textInput_changed;
my_palette.grp.cmds.okButton.onClick = onScaleClick;
my_palette.onResizing = my_palette.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize();}
return my_palette;
// Sets newParent as the parent of all layers in theComp that don't have parents.
// This includes 2D/3D lights, camera, av, text, etc.
function makeParentLayerOfUnparentedInArray(layerArray, newParent)
for (var i = 0; i < layerArray.length; i++) {
var curLayer = layerArray[i];
if (curLayer != newParent && curLayer.parent == null) {
curLayer.parent = newParent;
// Scales the zoom factor of every camera by the given scale_factor.
// Handles both single values and multiple keyframe values.
function scaleCameraZoomsInArray(layerArray, scaleBy)
for (var i = 0; i < layerArray.length; i++) {
var curLayer = layerArray[i];
if (curLayer.matchName == "ADBE Camera Layer") {
var curZoom = curLayer.zoom;
if (curZoom.numKeys == 0) {
curZoom.setValue(curZoom.value * scaleBy);
} else {
for (var j = 1; j <= curZoom.numKeys; j++) {
// The main script.
if (parseFloat(app.version) < 8) {
alert("This script requires After Effects CS3 or later.", scriptName);
var my_palette = BuildAndShowUI(thisObj);
if (my_palette != null) {
if (my_palette instanceof Window) {
} else {
} else {
alert("Could not open the user interface.", scriptName);
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