Khaled Hosseini的阿富汗三部曲算是看完了。《Kite runner》(追风筝的人), 《A thousand splendid suns》(灿烂千阳) 和 这本《And the mountains echoed》(群山回唱)。前面两本书,已经是非常喜欢,Kite Runner写孩童之间直到成人也不息的感情,A thousand splendid suns 写尽受苦受难的两位女性之间从互不信任到那种交付性命的情谊。这本群山回唱,我觉得,是三本里面写的最好的。前半本书的水准,已经超过我看过的所有的英语小说了,实在可以说是超五星水平。写的也是感情 – 淡淡的男女之情,深厚的超越时光的男男之情,难以割舍无以言表的兄妹之情,怪诞的姐妹之情,矛盾的养母继女之情,总之,作者想是把这苦难、动荡的阿富汗社会里种种感情,浓缩到这本之中,而这,我觉得和马尔克斯写《霍爱》一样,成功了。
书中有许多很美或者很有意思的的语句,下面是两个列子 -
Beauty is an enormous, unmerited gift given randomly, stupidly.
… that if an avalanche buries you and you’re lying there underneath all that snow, you can’t tell which way is up or down. You want to dig yourself out but pick the wrong way, and you dig yourself to your own demise. That was how I felt, disoriented, suspended in confusion, stripped off my compass.