Copperplate: 铜板体最古典
Copperplate font: 铜板体
Classic and classical: 既经典又古典
Lots of loops: 很多圈圈
Starting point for calligraphy: 练英语书法的人会从铜板体入门
Gothic font: 哥特体最庄重
Gothic: 哥特
Gothic style: 哥特风格
Reminds me of vampires: 让人联想到吸血鬼
It's quite dark: 有点儿黑暗
Many old newspapers have their name in Gothic font: 很多历史悠久的报纸,名字都是哥特体
Italics make everything beautiful!
Italics: 斜体
Slanted: 斜的
Standard: 标准、端正
Comic Sans: 最幼稚的字体
People always make fun of this font: 这是最被嘲笑的字体
It's like a child's handwriting: 看起来很幼稚