“Your mind is the starting point of all war and all strategies”
Three steps to fight yourself within:
1. become aware of the weakness and illness that can hold of the mind,知道自己的缺点所在
2. wage a war to fight your inner weakness and force yourself moving forward,向自己的缺点发起战争
3. use strategies to continuously challenge yourself ,不断的用谋略征服自己的缺点
INNER ENEMY : Identify your enemy, you need clarity to smoke out your enemy, and draw energy from them. do not be naive , with some enemies , there can be no compromise, there is no middle way. 知道你真正的敌人是谁,透过行为和暗示分辨出他们,从他们身上吸取力量,并意识到有些敌人是无法忽视的,与他们之间只有斗争和成败。事例:Xenophon 在希波战争中意识到跟 Ataxerxes之间没有和平可言,全无妥协求生的可能,于是激起全军斗志,殊死一战,最终逃脱返回希腊。消灭自己的迷茫和犹豫,无可救药的幻想和希望,就像击败一个内在的敌人,然后才能找到那个真正的敌人,从他们身上吸取求生的意志和力量。
OUTTER ENEMY: The first instinct of most outsiders who attain power is to become insiders, life as an outsider is hard, but in doing so , they lose their identify. The center is the realm of compromise, getting along with other people will forget who you are. Instead see you self as a fighter, an outsider surround by enemies, constant battle will keep you strong and alert, Do not worry about be enemy with people, without enemy there is no battle, without battle there is no victory, Do not wish to be liked, with a battle of victory, you gain long last popularity. 在一个错综复杂的环境里,作为独当一面的外来者,一定不要做任人摆布的角色,不要怕处于斗争的风暴中心,而是应以外来者的身份作为一个反对者去斗争去赢得胜利和尊重,通过斗争赢得的胜利和尊重,比通过顺从和认可获得的好感和归属感更加长久和可贵。
"Your first task as a strategist is to widen your concept of enemy, Identify all the enemy on the surface or undercover, you will suddenly have room to maneuver, Arm yourself with prudence, and never completely lay down your arms, not even for friends" 目前的社会明里的争斗变得不合时宜,但斗争绝没有停止,而是更加的激烈,一定要辨别出与自己敌对的人,不管是明里还是暗里,只有知道了他们的存在,你才能有反击和保卫自己的余地。任何时候都不要放松警惕,稳健的分析一切社会关系,哪怕是对自己的朋友,也要保持审慎的态度。当林彪过分的讨好毛泽东的时候,毛泽东意识到林彪已经开始准备好反叛的计划。毛泽东是对的,当你对一个人的行为感到怀疑时,你往往是正确的。最好的办法是静观其变,或者开始逐渐的拆穿敌人的掩饰。当你怀疑你一个人对你有敌对方案又不能确定的时候,最好的方法是用模棱两可的方式去试探他。大卫怀疑首尔有杀害他的意思,但也不肯定,于是他故意不去参加首尔举办的晚宴,而是让首尔的儿子带去了一个模棱两可的借口,首尔知道后担心大卫是想逃跑,于是立即派了杀手去暗杀大卫。大卫于是确认了首尔对他一直以来的忌惮和杀意。这个故事告诉我们,如何识别隐藏的敌人,一是制造紧张和出乎意料的事件来试探他们在应变过程中的反应;其次则是激起他们情绪上的反应,以显示他们本来的面目。
"If friends or followers whom you suspect of ulterior motives suggest something subtly hostile, or against your interests, or simply odd, avoid the temptation to react, to say no, to get angry, or even to ask questions. Go along, or seem to turn a blind eye, your enemy will soon go further. Now you have them in sight, and you can attack" 如果你的朋友和下属有违背或者侵害你的利益的轻微举动,或者其它可疑的行为,但又不是完全清楚他们的意图,此时一定要避免反击的冲动,避免拒绝或者气愤,甚或去询问他们。相反要装着无所谓,或者当没有看见。真正有企图的敌人会在试探后得寸进尺,这给你确认他们意图的机会,你才可以进行反击。
An enemy is often large and hard to pinpoint - an organization, or a person hidden behind some complicated network, What you want to do is take aim at one part of the group - a leader, a spokes man, a key member of the inner circle. fight them constantly and viciously and the others will gradually come to save him 当敌人处于暗处或者一个大的组织和网络中难以发现的时候,选取这个组织和网络中重要的一员进行正面强烈难以招架的攻击,所有与他相关的网络和利益关系人-你的敌人会逐渐浮出水面,让你最终确认你面对的是怎样一个团体和他们之间的联系。
Enemy bring many gifts, For one thing they motivate you and focus your believes and know your existence. What you want in warfare is room to maneuver, Tight corners spell death, Having enemies gives you options, give you sense of limits, of how far you can go and sense of realism and humility. 敌人带来很多好处,好处之一就是让你有斗志知道自己为何而存在,在斗争中如没有迂回的空间就意味着落败,拥有敌人则让你有意识的领悟到自己可能存在的局限性,知道自己可能走多远,知道现实懂得谦卑。不要向你的敌人惯性的妥协,你的妥协是你的敌人用来对付你的武器。从你身边人的过往经历中去发现他们的意图,他们是否汲汲于权力掠取,他们是否突然暴富,他们是否背叛过别人。一旦发现敌人,不要寄希望于别人能够帮助你抵挡他们。你是自己唯一可靠的防线。