First you cover your eyes like this,
no peeking.
Then you count to ten and I hide.
And then you go find me.
That’s how you play hide and seek.
自己:fi rst, you close your eyes, and count from 1 to 10, you can ‘ t open your eyes. I hide fi rst, then you find me.
本周五个最低要求的句子: I’m coming to get you.
No, not there
Wherever you are( 选修 )
I found you
It’s my turn to hide
Where are my slippers/ where can be my sl i ppers?
Where are you?
Are you playing hide-and-seek?
I ’ m coming to get you!
Look over there! Are you here?
No, not there.
Come out, come out,
wherever you are./ wherever you are,
I will find you.
Hey! I found you! You are here!
啊哈! 没找到: 学你孩子平时的样子, 耍赖, 矫情, 啊啊叫, 跺脚啥的
I can ’ t fi nd them! 啊啊啊!
I want my slippers! Slippers! 啊啊啊啊! 呜呜呜呜呜呜。
找到了: Look what I have.
Let’s put them on my feet.
Oh no, I think I put them on the wrong feet( 可选 ) Ok, good job/ that’s good.
你也可以找不到孩子, 然后眯着眼睛醉醺醺的摸到了孩子的头, 然后摸一摸, wow, l ook(guess)what I found!
A big watermelon!
Are you a watermelon?
I love watermelons!
Let’s put it in my mouth.
如果孩子情绪不错还可以轻轻的啊呜咬一口。 当然, 你也可以捧着孩子的脚丫说这是蛋糕,脸蛋说是苹果什么的, 都是可以的, 包括小屁 股。