I come across a translation of this song on HIMALAYA this morning, which triggers my passion to have my own explanation of it.
Every time something has me, I couldn't help noting my inspiration and idea about it, as a recording of my feeling. The more I visualize my feeling, the more I am aware of it next time when it comes.
让我掉下眼泪的 不止昨夜的酒
I shed tears not only for
The wine of last night
让我依依不舍的 不止你的温柔
I attach myself not only to
Your temper softly mild
余路还要走多久 你攥着我的手
How long shall we walk along
You take my hand in yours
让我感到为难的 是挣扎的自由
The thing I hate to let go
Is freedom with struggle
分别总是在九月 回忆是思念的愁
Farewell all in September
Miss you A memory in sorrow
深秋嫩绿的垂柳 亲吻着我额头
Late autumn Light green willow
Kiss on my forehead slow
在那座阴雨的小城里 我从未忘记你
Right in that city with rainy days
I never forget you
成都 带不走的 只有你
In Chengdu
Things got changed
But you remain
Just take a walk with me
On the street here
Till far away
Not linger even if all the lights go out
I am on my way
你会挽着我的衣袖 我会把手揣进裤兜
You may hold me by my sleeve
I will keep my hand in the pocket
走到玉林路的尽头 坐在小酒馆的门口
Toward the end of Yulin road
Have a break sitting at the doorway