此次赏析的内容是经济学人文章Obituary: George H.W.Bush,其中标题及正文1段由LizhuHuang完成,2-3段由花卷完成,4-5段由Ada完成,6-7段由陈玉梅完成,最后由花卷整合。
Doing his darnedest
George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st president of the United States, died on November 30th, aged 94纸质版摘要:
Obituary: George H.W. Bush died on November 30th
America’s 41st president, the last of his kind, was 94
Doing one's darnedest: 全力以赴,to put forth the utmost amount of energy or effort toward some task or goal.
Eg: Money is a little tight at the moment, but I'll do my darndest to be there for your wedding.
①Wherever he went, as America’s president or before it, George Herbert Walker Bush usually carried a felt-tipped pen and a supply of notecards. ②On these he wrote letters. ③Some were thank-yous; others a clumsy, but courteous, attempt to get his views across to other people; yet others just a “good to see you” kind of thing. ④When the time came to write his presidential memoirs, to salve some of that desperate hurt after Bill Clinton thrashed him in 1992, he published instead 600-plus pages of correspondence. ⑤They ranged from doting letters to newborn grandchildren to his worries, as a young seaman in 1943, that his girlfriend Barbara, “so darn attractive”, would drop him while he was away; from his attempt to explain the Watergate scandal to his four young sons, to his mortified account of throwing up in 1992 on the Japanese prime minister, “the damnedest experience”. ⑥He admitted that some of the letters were nutty. ⑦But they were also of the moment. ⑧As he said, “It’s all about heartbeat.”
③Some were thank-yous; others a clumsy, but courteous, attempt to get his views across to other people;
clumsy but courteous 尴尬而不失礼貌的
clumsy这个词在别的场景下通常是指笨手笨脚的或者笨拙的,这里更接近于"得罪人的”,a clumsy action or statement is said or done carelessly or badly, and likely to upset someone
Eg: David made a clumsy attempt to comfort us
courteous有礼貌的, polite 的高级说法。 polite and showing respect for other people
Eg: The students are well-educated and courteous.
get his views across 把...讲清楚,在写作或者口语当中非常好用,是communicate的结果。succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information to someone, or to be communicated successfully
Eg: It took me ages to get my point across.
get your point across
④When the time came to write his presidential memoirs, to salve some of that desperate hurt after Bill Clinton thrashed him in 1992, he published instead 600-plus pages of correspondence.
salve 安慰(良心);减轻(内疚感),Heal or remedy (a disease, sin, sorrow, etc.)
常见的用法是 salve your conscience, you do it in order to feel less guilty.-
thrash轻松击败,以大比分战胜,If one player or team thrashes another in a game or contest, they defeat them easily or by a large score. (informal)
Eg: Brazil thrashed Italy 5–0.
correspondence 往来书信,Letters的高级说法
Eg: He always replied to his correspondence
⑤They ranged from doting letters to newborn grandchildren to his worries; from his attempt to ..., to his mortified account of throwing up in 1992 on the Japanese prime minister, “the damnedest experience”.
doting 宠溺的,spoiling, a doting mother, husband, or friend, you mean that they show a lot of love for someone
Eg: His doting parents bought him his first racing bike at 13.
mortified, they feel extremely offended, ashamed, or embarrassed.
Eg: I was mortified to find that everyone else was wearing evening dress.
his mortified account of throwing up in 1992 on the Japanese prime minister
这里有个老布什的小囧事。就是在1992年1月8日,老布什在参加日本首相Kiichi Miyazawa的宴会时晕倒了,更囧的是在晕倒之前吐在了Miyazawa的大腿上。他称之为难以置信(darndest) 的经历,现在看来也是非常窘迫的。这件事后来成为了喜剧演员们的素材,当之无愧地当选为2007年USA Today 评选的“二十五个公众糗事"之一。
⑥He admitted that some of the letters were nutty.
nutty 疯狂,是nut的形容词,very strange or foolish.
"You are in love with my cousin."
"That's nuts."
①In one letter he happened to mention a childhood rebuke from his mother: “Now, George, don’t walk ahead.” ②He took her words to heart, staying, for most of his political career, loyally behind and modestly to one side. ③As chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1974, he stuck by Richard Nixon until it became more urgent to save the party; at which point, he publicly asked him to resign. ④He felt afterwards as though someone had died. ⑤In his eight years as Ronald Reagan’s vice-president, though they had sparred bitterly in the 1980 primaries over Reagan’s “voodoo economics” and his callow Hollywood sparkle, he never criticised or upstaged him. ⑥During the Irancontra affair of the 1980s, though present at many salient meetings, he declared himself out of the loop, and it was hard to prove otherwise.
①In one letter he happened to mention a childhood rebuke from his mother
a rebuke from sb. …作出的指责
例句:His opposition earned him bitter rebukes from secessionists.(Washington TimesDec 6, 2018)
②He took her words to heart, staying, for most of his political career, loyally behind and modestly to one side.
take sth. to heart 把...放在心上,走心了:
Brian is a very sensitive kind of person and he takes criticism very much to heart.
在Goodbye Mr. Chips中校长的话对Chips产生了影响,是这样说的。
Ralston's straight words had, in some ways, had an effect.
③As chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1974, he stuck by Richard Nixon until it became more urgent to save the party
Republican National Committee 共和党全国委员会
美国两大党派:共和党 vs 民主党
stick原义是粘贴,这里的stick by 是支持、忠于
She'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin.
类似的表达还有be loyal to、adhere、stand by ,口语中常用的表达是back sb. up
你需要他人的支持可以这样说,Very difficult to do , unless other people are going to back you up .
④He felt afterwards as though someone had died.
afterwards 在某个事情或者时间点之后
James was taken to hospital but died soon afterwards
A Man Spent An Entire Year Walking Across China -- This Is What He Looked Like Afterwards.
⑤he never criticised or upstaged him.
He had a younger brother who always publicly upstaged him.
⑥During the Irancontra affair of the 1980s, though present at many salient meetings, he declared himself out of the loop
be in the loop/ out of the loop 圈内人、圈外人,在圈外而无法获取信息
I've been out of the loop since I changed jobs. I didn't realize Wendy and Bob had got engaged.
①The vision thing
②People often supposed him out of the loop in other ways, too: a boy born to privilege, called “Poppy” by his parents, a product of Phillips Academy and Phi Beta Kappa at Yale, who was (falsely) rumoured in the 1992 campaign never to have passed a quart of milk through a supermarket scanner. ③He was a Yankee aristocrat who could have followed his Daddy on to Wall Street but instead became a Texas oil man (the only Texan, growled Speaker Jim Wright, who ate lobster with his chilli), and went on to represent the toniest bit of Houston in Congress.④ All this, as well as the tennis-playing summers in Kennebunkport, seemed to set him firmly apart from the average Joe, though he let it be known as president that his favourite food was pork rinds, and banned from the White House the broccoli his mother had made him eat.
The vision thing ,没有政治远见是跟随老布什一生的标签,详见George H.W. Bush and “the vision thing”
1987年《时代》杂志刊登了一篇“Where Is the Real George Bush?”
使"The vision thing" 成为一个臭名昭著的引语,任何政治家或者公众人物没有远见都可以这样描述。
“the vision thing” went on to become a metonym, i.e., a shorthand figure of speech. It is now used as a description “for any politician’s failure to incorporate a greater vision in a campaign, and has often been applied in the media to other politicians or public figures.”
第三段第一句又是过渡,用了上一段同样的一个表达out of the loop,特别形象的总结了老布什与常人不同的一生。如果让我在这两段中选最喜欢的句子,那就是这两段的第一句,神来之笔。
在其他方面,他也不是我等凡人这个圈子里的:含着金钥匙出生,被父母唤作Poppy(父母用外公的名字George Herbert Walker为他取名),读的都是名校,1992年总统竞选时曾有谣传,他从来没去超市买过牛奶。他本可以跟着爸爸去华尔街,他却去德克萨斯州搞石油,休斯顿最时尚的国会议员。夏天在肯纳邦克波特镇打网球,最喜欢的食物时炸猪皮,入住白宫后就再也不用被妈妈逼着吃西兰花了,所有这些,让他与众不同。
③He went on to represent the toniest bit of Houston in Congress
go on to represent the toniest bit of
bit of 一组事物中的一个
Not one single bit of work has been started towards the repair of this road.
④ All this, as well as the tennis-playing summers in Kennebunkport, seemed to set him firmly apart from the average Joe
- average Joe 普通人,跟中文中的张三李四是不是很像?类似的表达还有man in the street、Mr. Nobody
average Joe 一般指男性,女性对应average Jane、plain Jane
Daniel: Betty seems to be a plain Jane.
(Betty 看起來似乎是个普通的女生。)
Justin: I don’t think so. I think she’s really charming, and she’s always been very friendly to others.
ban from 禁止…
He has been banned from driving for a year. 他被禁止开车一年
①With the label “preppy” came the tag “wimp”, which infuriated him far more. ②He had had a brave war, enlisting at 18 and completing one mission with his aircraft on fire. ③Later he did not hesitate to send 27,000 troops to dislodge Manuel Noriega from Panama, or to launch a ground war against Saddam Hussein in 1991—declaring victory and pulling out in 100 hours, which pushed his approval ratings to 89%. ④He was not above nasty attack ads in the 1988 campaign, excoriating Michael Dukakis for giving furlough to a black rapist. ⑤But Nixon, who hated Ivy Leaguers, seemed to think him soft; Reagan said he lacked spunk; and his talk of “Big Mo” and “kicking ass” on the campaign trail often ended in retreat. ⑥In 1990 a dust-up with Congress forced him to capitulate on his steely election pledge of “No new taxes”. ⑦This, as well as the brief recession of 1990-91, cost him the 1992 election, though even as voters went to the polls the figures for growth were ticking upwards, ushering in almost a decade of prosperity.
①与“传统保守”相随的是“懦弱无能”,老布什对这标签非常愤怒。②③毕竟他也曾有“英勇无畏”的事迹,也有强硬的一面(如入侵巴拿马,击败伊拉克),④在竞选中利用Willie Horton事件攻击对手。⑤但是还是摆脱不了别人对他软弱的评价,⑥⑦比如对国会的妥协违背了竞选时的“不加税”承诺,这也导致了他连任的失败。
①With the label “preppy” came the tag “wimp”, ...
1. preppy:Preppy are young people, esp. in America, who have often been to an expensive private school and who are conventional and conservative in their attitudes, behavior, and style of dress. 开头没有用任何形容词,只用一个固有的标签词preppy就把老布什的家庭教育背景、性格特点描绘出来了。
2. with...came...: 与……相随而来的是…… 原句是一个倒装句变成 with the label "preppy", the tag "wimp" came, ...就更好理解了,因此也要注意动词came的单复数是由主语“wimp”决定的。
引用一句我最爱的维多利亚时期的段子手Oscar Wilde的话: "With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone." 哈哈~
补充Eric老师在群里提到的蜘蛛侠里Uncle Ben对Peter说的话:
③Later he did not hesitate to send 27,000 troops to dislodge Manuel Noriega from Panama, or to launch a ground war against Saddam Hussein in 1991—declaring victory and pulling out in 100 hours, which pushed his approval ratings to 89%.
毫不犹豫做某事 not hesitate to do sth.
此句出现破折号“—”代替逗号的情况,英语中逗号使用上和前文如果功能重复为避免给读着带来歧义或断句麻烦都用破折号代替,如果是有已有逗号并列,避免重复就用分号代替更大范围的并列(To separate groups that contain commas)如:
Every Saturday my brother gathers up his things—goggles, shower cap, and snorkel; bubble bath, soap, and shampoo; tapes, stereo, and rubber duck—and heads for the tub.
第五句中的分号也属这种用法:But Nixon, who hated Ivy Leaguers, seemed to think him soft; Reagan said he lacked spunk; and his talk of “Big Mo” and “kicking ass” on the campaign trail often ended in retreat.
④He was not above nasty attack ads in the 1988 campaign, ...
not be above (doing) something:这个点我们小组经过讨论和论证一致觉得该句是指老布什也利用恶意广告去攻击竞争对手,进一步说明他不是表面上的那么软弱。
not be above sth. 表示not be too proud/good/honest to do sth. 简单翻译就是不以为耻。
Eg: I am not above asking questions. 我不以提问为耻。
⑤his talk of “Big Mo” and “kicking ass” on the campaign trail often ended in retreat.
1. 提炼句型:sb's talk of... often ended in... 这里end做不及物动词,很好用哟~
His talk of "marring her" and "not beating her any more" often ended in empty/broken promises.
The incident could have ended in tragedy.
2. on campaign/championship/winning/comeback trail 该表达主要用于新闻报道指 在……路线/道路上
⑦This, as well as the brief recession of 1990-91, cost him the 1992 election, though even as voters went to the polls the figures for growth were ticking upwards, ushering in almost a decade of prosperity.
1. cost sb. sth.除了表示花费以外,还可以表示“使丧/损失”。
The increase of taxes will hurt small business and cost many thousands of jobs.
Writing the book cost him his eyesight and his marriage.
2. usher in (formal): usher指引座迎宾员,作动词短语也就有了引领开启之意
a discovery that ushered in a period of change(=that marked the beginning of a period of change)
川普每周电视讲话里也有用到这表达:All of this will usher in a new era of prosperity in America--and bring wealth, hope, and opportunity to those communities that need it the most.
从段落发展来看,本段也是用于论证的好例子:开篇第一句就强调了“wimp”这个标签,统领全段的主旨。后面紧跟着②③④句反驳,这里尤其注意到三句的时态过渡很好的起了衔接作用,由had had到later did再到was not above(语气上很像让步句,对第一句的“wimp”标签反驳得毫无力量)为的是突出第⑤句的But进一步强化老布什的“wimp”标签。
从句型使用上,作者偏爱用松散句(Loose construction)中心意思放在句首,修饰语放在句尾。自然、流畅、易懂,读者能快速抓住主要信息。符合讣告文体的特点。
①What he lacked, as he more or less admitted, was “the vision thing”. ②Ideologically, he was flexible: moderate sometimes (indeed, in one Texas race, left of the Democrat), while at others he would traipse round pandering to conservatives, as George Will cruelly put it, with a thin tinny “arf”, like a lap-dog. ③On domestic policy, as president, he inclined to the hard right (prayer in schools, gun rights, anti-abortion), while also loosening immigration policy and expanding the rights of the disabled. ④Wearing his mild Episcopalian hat, he mentioned a thousand points of light, a kinder, gentler America, and a new breeze blowing away the leaves of an old tree. ⑤It was all as vague as it was all deeply hoped for.
①“the vision thing” — the expectation that a leader should package his policies in a few stirring phrases.
②as sb. put it, ...
全段第一句就提出老布什缺乏政治上的号召煽动能力—"the vision thing"(我把它理解为政治上的愿景,一种画饼能力)。紧接着用两个长句分别概述了他的政治倾向和内政政策,然后第四句总结了他的政治愿景,最后一句呼应第一句——这样的愿景也是模糊不具备它所期待的能力。首尾呼应形成一个完整的闭合。
①His forte, and first love, was foreign policy. ②He had been ambassador to the UN for Nixon, an envoy to China for Gerald Ford (he and Barbara riding round delightedly on bicycles) and head of the CIA, besides, as vice-president, a follower-of-the-hearse at dozens of state funerals. ③Instinctively, he thought in terms of global power games; fortuitously, his time as president coincided with the end of the cold war, a heady and fascinating moment. ④With Mikhail Gorbachev he struck up an easy working friendship, and in 1991, in the wake of the Gulf war, he even had a moment of comprehensive vision: a new world order, based not on force but on the rule of law, which America would strongly lead.
The Bushes attended a large number of public and ceremonial events in their positions, including many state funerals, which became a common joke for comedians. Mrs. Bush found the funerals largely beneficial, saying, "George met with many current or future heads of state at the funerals he attended, enabling him to forge personal relationships that were important to President Reagan."
① His forte, and first love, was foreign policy.
forte: be sb's forte 是某人的专长,to be something that you do well or are skilled at
Eg: 作为作家,她的专长是写喜剧:As a writer, her forte is comedy.
④With Mikhail Gorbachev he struck up an easy working friendship, and in 1991, in the wake of the Gulf war...
in the wake of,(尤指不好的事)紧随某事而来,为某事的后果。if something,especially something bad,happens in the wake of an event, it happens afterwards an usually as a result of it.
Eg: 旱灾之后,饥荒紧随而来。Famine followed in the wake of the drought。
①Such grandiloquence, like eloquence, was rare in him. ②He was schooled in modesty, fond of the small behind-the-scenes gesture rather than the large public show.③He belonged to a generation that had no patience for today’s blowhards who, putting self before nation, always push themselves forward. ④But when the times and events demanded he could, perhaps to his own surprise, find the right words and walk confidently ahead.
②He was schooled in modesty, fond of the small behind-the-scenes gesture rather than the large public show.
在这句话中small behind-the-scenes gesture和large public show的对比,更形象显示出老布什给人的谦逊、低调的印象,喜欢幕后不喜欢前台。老布什一直在听妈妈的话:”Now, George, don't walk ahead."
③push themselves forward: to try to make other people notice you 表现自己,出风头,可以与前面的upstage联想记忆。