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- 网络文明:internet civilization
8月28日,2022年中国网络文明大会在天津开幕。本届大会主题为“弘扬时代新风 建设网络文明”,大会安排包括主论坛、网络诚信建设高峰论坛、十场分论坛、网络文明建设成果展示和网络文明主题活动。
The 2022 China Internet Civilization Conference opened on August 28 in Tianjin. The conference, with the theme of advocating new trends of the times and building a civilized internet, consists of a main forum, a forum on developing integrity in cyberspace, 10 sub-forums, an exhibition and themed events.
- forum:/ˈfɔːrəm/ [n.] 讨论会;法庭
- integrity:/ɪnˈteɡrəti/ [n.] 正直;完整;职业操守
- cyberspace:网络空间
As a major component of social etiquette and civility under new circumstances, internet civilization is a key area of enhancing China's strength in cyberspace.
- etiquette:/ˈetɪkət/ [n.] 礼节,规矩
- enhance:[v.] 提高,加强
- 相关词汇
- a clean and upright cyberspace:风清气正的网络空间
- cyberspace governance:网络治理
- the core socialist values:社会主义核心价值观
来自:Pushing the Limits: Skyrunning
- elevation:海拔
- estimation:估计
- feat:壮举
- alpine:(与)高山(有关)的
- up and down:上上下下
来自:The Boss Baby - New Baby Brother | Fandango Family
- conduct:组织
- smack:[v.] 猛击 [n.] 掌掴;一点儿;小渔船 [adv.] 正好的
- stare:目不转睛地看
- karate:空手道
- yell:大嚷大叫
- set up:创建