Awesome Python 炫酷Python合集

Life is short,use python.人生苦短,我用Python


Environment Management

  • p - Dead simple interactive Python version management.

  • pyenv - Simple Python version management.

  • venv - (Python standard library in Python 3.3+) Creating lightweight virtual environments.

  • virtualenv - A tool to create isolated Python environments.

  • virtualenvwrapper - A set of extensions to virtualenv.

Package Management

  • pip - The Python package and dependency manager.Python Package Index

  • pip-tools - A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.

  • conda - Cross-platform, Python-agnostic binary package manager.

  • Curdling - Curdling is a command line tool for managing Python packages.

  • wheel - The new standard of Python distribution and are intended to replace eggs.

Package Repositories

  • warehouse - Next generation Python Package Repository (PyPI).Warehouse

  • bandersnatch - PyPI mirroring tool provided by Python Packaging Authority (PyPA).

  • devpi - PyPI server and packaging/testing/release tool.

  • localshop - Local PyPI server (custom packages and auto-mirroring of pypi).


  • PyInstaller - Converts Python programs into stand-alone executables (cross-platform).

  • dh-virtualenv - Build and distribute a virtualenv as a Debian package.

  • Nuitka - Compile scripts, modules, packages to an executable or extension module.

  • py2app - Freezes Python scripts (Mac OS X).

  • py2exe - Freezes Python scripts (Windows).

  • pynsist - A tool to build Windows installers, installers bundle Python itself.

Build Tools

buildout - A build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts.
BitBake - A make-like build tool for embedded Linux.
PlatformIO - A console tool to build code with different development platforms.
PyBuilder - A continuous build tool written in pure Python.
SCons - A software construction tool.

Interactive Interpreter

Jupyter Notebook (IPython) - A rich toolkit to help you make the most out of using Python interactively.
bpython – A fancy interface to the Python interpreter.
ptpython - Advanced Python REPL built on top of the python-prompt-toolkit.


imghdr - (Python standard library) Determine the type of an image.
mimetypes - (Python standard library) Map filenames to MIME types. - A module wrapper for os.path.
pathlib - (Python standard library in Python 3.4+) An cross-platform, object-oriented path library.
python-magic - A Python interface to the libmagic file type identification library.
Unipath - An object-oriented approach to file/directory operations.
watchdog - API and shell utilities to monitor file system events.

Date and Time

arrow - Better dates & times for Python.
Chronyk - A Python 3 library for parsing human-written times and dates.
dateutil - Extensions to the standard Python datetime module.
delorean - A library for clearing up the inconvenient truths that arise dealing with datetimes.
moment - A Python library for dealing with dates/times. Inspired by Moment.js.
PyTime - A easy-use Python module which aims to operate date/time/datetime by string.
pytz - World timezone definitions, modern and historical. Brings the tz database into Python. - Providing user-friendly functions to help perform common date and time actions.

Text Processing

Specific Formats Processing

Natural Language Processing



Command-line Tools








  • requests - HTTP Requests for Humans™.

  • grequests - requests + gevent for asynchronous HTTP requests.

  • httplib2 - Comprehensive HTTP client library.

  • treq - Python requests like API built on top of Twisted's HTTP client.

  • urllib3 - A HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, sanity friendly.


Database Drivers


Web Frameworks

  • Django - The most popular web framework in Python.

  • awesome-django

  • Flask - A microframework for Python.

  • Pyramid - A small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework.

  • awesome-pyramid

  • Bottle - A fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework.

  • CherryPy - A minimalist Python web framework, HTTP/1.1-compliant and WSGI thread-pooled.

  • TurboGears - A microframework that can scale up to a full stack solution.

  • - A web framework for Python that is as simple as it is powerful.

  • web2py - A full stack web framework and platform focused in the ease of use.

  • Tornado - A Web framework and asynchronous networking library.

Serverless Frameworks







Template Engine

Jinja2 - A modern and designer friendly templating language.
Genshi - Python templating toolkit for generation of web-aware output.
Mako - Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform.



News Feed

Asset Management




URL Manipulation

HTML Manipulation

Web Crawling

Web Content Extracting


Data Validation



Admin Panels

Static Site Generator


Concurrency and Parallelism



WSGI Servers

RPC Servers



Game Development

  • Cocos2d - cocos2d is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications. It is based on pyglet.

  • Panda3D - 3D game engine developed by Disney and maintained by Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center. Written in C++, completely wrapped in Python.

  • Pygame - Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games.

  • PyOgre - Python bindings for the Ogre 3D render engine, can be used for games, simulations, anything 3D.

  • PyOpenGL - Python ctypes bindings for OpenGL and it's related APIs.

  • PySDL2 - A ctypes based wrapper for the SDL2 library.

  • RenPy - A Visual Novel engine.



Code Analysis and Linter

Debugging Tools

Science and Data Analysis

Data Visualization

Computer Vision

Machine Learning


Functional Programming

Third-party APIs

DevOps Tools

ChatOps Tools

Job Scheduler

Foreign Function Interface

High Performance

Microsoft Windows

Network Virtualization and SDN




Algorithms and Design Patterns

Editor Plugins


  • PyCharm - Commercial Python IDE by JetBrains. Has free community edition available.

  • LiClipse - Free polyglot IDE based on Eclipse. Uses PyDev for Python support.

  • Spyder - Open Source Python IDE.

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