Part1 字词
1、The first time Dad ever said "friend" like that to me, I didn't get that was bing sarcastic.
例句:Was she being sarcastic?
造句:Every time he praised me, he was actually sarcastic.
2、He told me I was grounded from playing video games for two weeks,...
原意 adj.理性的、克制的,对自己有清醒认识的,用于儿童时意为"被罚不准出门的"
例句:Someone, especially a child, who is grounded is kept indoors as a punishment.
造句:In my childhood, when I came home late, I was grounded for second days.
3、If you mess up and Mom catches you,...
陷入困境 =get into troble,搞糟
例句:He is messing up.
Our travel arrangement have been messed up by the ticket office.
造句:If I mess up in life, frist I will take a deep breath, then solve the problem one by one.
4、I saw the magazine myself, and it honestly wasn't anything to get worked up over.
例句:Moves any not to get woeked up emotionally.(动什么别动感情。)
造句:Don't get worked up over the fight.
5、I loaded up on poster board and markers,...
例句:That doesn’t mean you should load up on microwave popcorn and stale donuts.
造句:No need to load up on superstition.
Part2 仿写
1、To be honest with you, I've never had any interest in student government.
结构: To be honest... 说实话。
造句:To be honest, I often go home very late.
2、It turns out he ran for student government when he was my age,...
结构:It turns out...结果是...,原来是...
造句:It turns out that she hidden my book somewhere.
Part3 日记
Every day, I read the notes of other friends in this English team, I study good sentence and composition, write down in my notebook. Today, when I look at a notes from a pupil of grade 6 , I'm so surprise! she is super good at study, I'll bet she will be a bright future. This really well-known saying: younger man than you, work harder than you do. When I was 12 years old, what did I do? Probably just play finger, completely unkonw , the important to master a foreign language.
And this team saved me from Glory of the king. Stay away from mobile game, it's really doing what I should do, now.