20220407晚听了Englishpod的episode 31
A man came to the bank. With the help of the bank teller, he opened a checking account. He finnally deposited 1 biilion dollars, with weird laugh...
1)储蓄账户 a saving’s account (活期存款)
2)支票账户 a checking account(买买买)
3)借记卡 debit card(听说是储蓄卡的升级版)
4)信用卡 credit card
5)余额 a bank balance
6)透支 overdraft/ negative balance
7)填表 fiil in/out this paperwork
8)两张政府证件 two pieces of government ID
I’d get you to do ...= please do...
I need sth...=give me sth
If you could just...