Lesson 9-1 Royal espionage
Alfred the Great acted as his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel. In those days wandering minstrels were welcome everywhere. They were not fighting men, and their harp was their passport. Alfred had learned many of their ballads in his youth, and could vary his programme with acrobatic tricks and simple conjuring.
While Alfred's little army slowly began to gather at Athelney, the king himself set out to penetrate the camp of Guthrum, the commander of the Danish invaders. There had settled down for the winter at Chippenham: thither Alfred went. He noticed at once that discipline was slack: the Danes had the self-confidence of conquerors, and their security precautions were casual. They lived well, on the proceeds of raids on neighbouring regions. There they collected women as well as food and drink, and a life of ease had made them soft.
espionage /ˈespiənɑːʒ/ 间谍活动
Danish /ˈdeɪnɪʃ/ 丹麦的
disguise /dɪsˈɡaɪz/ 伪装;掩饰;假扮
minstrel /ˈmɪnstrəl/ 吟游诗人;
wandering /ˈwɑːndərɪŋ/ 徘徊;游荡;流浪;漫游; 流浪的;漂泊的
harp /hɑːrp/ 竖琴
ballad /ˈbæləd/ 民谣;民歌;
acrobatic /ˌækrəˈbætɪk/ 杂技;杂技的;
trick /trɪk/ 技巧;把戏;戏法
conjuring /ˈkʌndʒərɪŋ/ 变魔术,变戏法
penetrate /ˈpenətreɪt/ 穿透;渗透,打入,洞察;看透;被领悟
commander /kəˈmændər/ 指挥官
invader /ɪnˈveɪdər/ 侵略者;武装入侵的军队
settle down 驻扎
thither /ˈðɪðər/ 那里;到那里;向那里
slack /slæk/ 松弛的;懈怠的;萧条的;
Dane /deɪn/ 丹麦人
conqueror /ˈkɑːŋkərər/ 征服者;胜利者;占领者
precaution /prɪˈkɔːʃn/ 预防措施;预防
casual /ˈkæʒuəl/ 漫不经心的;马虎的; 随便的;临时的;偶然的;
proceeds /proʊˈsiːdz/ 收益, 所得
raid /reɪd/ 突袭;抢劫
live on 靠。。。为生