查看RCTRootView 源码可以看到有两个初始化方法,在有多个
RCTRootView 初始化,也就是多个入口的情况,RN建议使用''initWithBridge:moduleName:''作为初始化方法。
* - Designated initializer -
- (instancetype)initWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
moduleName:(NSString *)moduleName
initialProperties:(NSDictionary *)initialProperties NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
* - Convenience initializer -
* A bridge will be created internally.
* This initializer is intended to be used when the app has a single RCTRootView,
* otherwise create an `RCTBridge` and pass it in via `initWithBridge:moduleName:`
* to all the instances.
- (instancetype)initWithBundleURL:(NSURL *)bundleURL
moduleName:(NSString *)moduleName
initialProperties:(NSDictionary *)initialProperties
launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
* The name of the JavaScript module to execute within the
* specified scriptURL (required). Setting this will not have
* any immediate effect, but it must be done prior to loading
* the script.
常规情况,RN程序单个入口 不在介绍
多入口情况下,需要初始化一个RCTBridge 对象
查看RCTBridge 源码发现
* Creates a new bridge with a custom RCTBridgeDelegate.
* All the interaction with the JavaScript context should be done using the bridge
* instance of the RCTBridgeModules. Modules will be automatically instantiated
* using the default contructor, but you can optionally pass in an array of
* pre-initialized module instances if they require additional init parameters
* or configuration.
- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id<RCTBridgeDelegate>)delegate
launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
* DEPRECATED: Use initWithDelegate:launchOptions: instead
* The designated initializer. This creates a new bridge on top of the specified
* executor. The bridge should then be used for all subsequent communication
* with the JavaScript code running in the executor. Modules will be automatically
* instantiated using the default contructor, but you can optionally pass in an
* array of pre-initialized module instances if they require additional init
* parameters or configuration.
- (instancetype)initWithBundleURL:(NSURL *)bundleURL
launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
使用方法 RN中文网给出如下解释
id<RCTBridgeDelegate> moduleInitialiser = [[classThatImplementsRCTBridgeDelegate alloc] init];
RCTBridge *bridge = [[RCTBridge alloc] initWithDelegate:moduleInitialiser launchOptions:nil];
RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc]
id<RCTBridgeDelegate> moduleInitialiser = [[classThatImplementsRCTBridgeDelegate alloc] init];
这个classThatImplementsRCTBridgeDelegate 不是很清晰
这里其实就是 一个实现RCTBridgeDelegate协议的类
查看RCTBridgeDelegate 源码
@protocol RCTBridgeDelegate <NSObject>
* The location of the JavaScript source file. When running from the packager
* this should be an absolute URL, e.g. `http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle`.
* When running from a locally bundled JS file, this should be a `file://` url
* pointing to a path inside the app resources, e.g. `file://.../main.jsbundle`.
- (NSURL *)sourceURLForBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge;
有一个sourceURLForBridge 方法
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <React/RCTBridgeDelegate.h>
#import <React/RCTBridge.h>
@interface MallBridgeAPI : RCTBridge
/** 单例 */
+ (MallBridgeAPI *)shareInstance;
@interface MallBridgeHandle : NSObject<RCTBridgeDelegate>
#import "MallBridgeAPI.h"
@implementation MallBridgeAPI
static MallBridgeAPI *defaultHandle = nil;
+ (MallBridgeAPI *)shareInstance
if (defaultHandle == nil) {
defaultHandle = [[MallBridgeAPI alloc] initWithDelegate:[[MallBridgeHandle alloc]init] launchOptions:nil];
return defaultHandle;
@implementation MallBridgeHandle
- (NSURL *)sourceURLForBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
return [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
return [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"index.ios" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];
至此 RCTBridge 实例,即可 使用classThatImplementsRCTBridgeDelegate 完成初始化
self.rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc]initWithBridge:[MallBridgeAPI shareInstance]