本期选自The Economist 2016-07-30, Books and arts板块
card-carrying 正式成员的; 正式党员的; A card-carrying member of a particular group or political party is an official member of that group or party, rather than someone who supports it.
原文例句: His contention is that the foreign-policy establishment in Washington (of which he admits to having been a “card-carrying member for over two decades”) has underestimated the extent of Mr Obama’s achievement.hard power 硬实力; 尤指军事力量;the ability to achieve one's goals by force, esp military force
原文例句:Policy makers at home lambast Mr Obama for having overlearned the lessons of Iraq, for his extreme caution and aversion to the use of America’s hard power in support of global orderand for an unwillingness to shoulder the burdens of leadership, which has dismayed allies and emboldened foes.woolly-headed 头脑不清醒的;思路混乱的;(想法)不切实际的;confused and vague; used especially of thinking
原文例句:So which is he, asks MrChollet: a woolly-headed liberal idealist or an unsentimental realist?long game 【高尔夫球】远距离击球;【牌戏】(打牌前将一副的全部牌张发给打牌者的)长发牌(与 short game 相对)
原文例句:Mr Chollet argues that Mr Obama is misunderstood because he likes to play what the author calls the “long game”.all-clear 解除警报的信号;放行;空袭警报信号解除的;无危险信号的;a signal (usually a siren) that danger is over; permission to proceed because obstacles have been removed
原文例句:South Africa had been excluded from the Olympics in 1964 because of its apartheid policy, but in 1968 the IOC at first gave the nation the all-clear, before protests forced it to backdown.play host 做东 ; 作东请客 ; 作主人;尽地主之谊
原文例句:Nazi Germany, which had initially been reluctant to play host, soon realised the huge potential benefits: it is estimated that more was spent on the Berlin games than all the previousOlympics combined.improvised 即兴的;临时准备的; done or made using whatever is available
原文例句:Along the way, some purists scolded experimenters for straying from well-established categories. But rebels have always emerged to create newstrains of improvised music.live performance 现场表演,实况演出;真人表演
原文例句:Makaya McCraven, an experimental Chicago-based drummer, makes some recordings by stitching together pieces of past live performances.organ 风琴;管风琴; wind instrument whose sound is produced by means of pipes arranged in sets supplied with air from a bellows and controlled from a large complex musical keyboard
原文例句:ADHD, a band from Iceland, found fans in faraway places byweaving rock influences into its compositions featuring saxophone, organ and guitar.Bible belt 美国南部、中西部或加拿大西部基督教基要派流行的)《圣经》地带;southern United States; where Protestant fundamentalism is dominant
原文例句:Besides listening to acoustic jazz as a youngster, he grew up in America’s Bible belt, playing gospel music at Baptist churches in Houston, Texas.