The internet of things, IoT, means the connection of different type of things, besides computers and smartphones to the Internet. Cars,home appliance appliances, and even human beings can all be connected through the IoT. 物联网指的是除了计算机,手机,其他很多设备都可以在Internet上进行互联。比如汽车,家庭电器,甚至每个人等等。 Who will reap these benefits? There are three major entities that will use IoT ecosystems: consumers, governments, and businesses. 在未来的3年内,政府机构,企业,包括大众消费者都会在物联网大大受益。
Businesses will be the top adopter of IoT solutions because they will use IoT to 1) lower operating costs; 2) increase productivity; and 3) expand to new markets or develop new product offerings. 对工商业来说,物联网的应用将大大降低运营成本,提高生产力,提高市场开发能力。
There are limitations for Current IoT application. Currently, short range connections are Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, which are not well suited for all applications. Long range connectivity is dominated by cellular, but is highly costly. 现在的近距离物联网连接通过蓝牙和WI-FI,但这种连接不能广泛应用到很多设备。而远程手机连接成本高昂。 A new kind of network was designed specifically for IoT applications: low-power wide-area (LPWA) networks. Characterized by low power consumption, a wide area of connectivity, low cost equipment and setup, and affordable connectivity costs, 科学家正在研究新的专门用于物联网的技术,low-power wide-area (LPWA)网络。将实现通信低成本,大范围连接,简易的安装,以及低运营费用。
By 2023, LoT will be widely applied by large number of businesses to analyse data, lower operating cost, doing market promotions, and enhance their interaction with consumer. Individuals are able to remote control their refrigerators to prepare for meal in their cars when driving home. 3到5年后,物联网就会广泛应用到很多企业,用来分析数据,降低运营成本,进行市场推广以及提高企业和消费者的粘性。很多人开车回家的路上可以远程控制家里的冰箱,准备好丰盛的晚餐。 Cyber attacks might be potential threat. Hackers could penetrate connected cars and even people's homes. Therefore cyber security is also a must! 黑客攻击也不得不防,将来汽车,房子都实现互联后,也给了黑客进入汽车以及普通人家里的机会,所以安全防护技术更为关键!