Five Little Monkeys
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed,
One little monkeys jumping on the bed,She fell off and bumped her head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
小中班年龄段的幼儿相对大班的孩子来说学习能力要弱一些,所以我给小中班年龄幼儿只挖了一个非常有趣的单词:Jumping 不能小看这个单词,因为这个年龄段的幼儿非常喜欢蹦蹦跳跳,在带动孩子跳的过程中很容易就理解并记住这个单词,我给延伸的句型是:I'm jumping.可以一边跳一边说:I'm jumping.
大班这个年龄段的幼儿的学习能力相比中小班来说要强一些。所以我选了两个单词:Monkey和 jump在整首儿歌学习理解之后,可以去问孩子:What do Monkeys like to do?可以引导教授孩子说:Monkeys like to jump.
平时可以播放Five Little Monkeys动画版给孩子看,动画小孩基本都很喜欢很有兴趣。可以利用在早上起床洗漱时,或者玩玩具的时候播放Five Little Monkeys音频磨耳朵。
把五只小猴子分别黏贴在5个手指上边唱儿歌边上下模仿小猴子跳床( 小朋友会故意把手举得很高来表示她跳的好高好高)当唱到He fell off and bumped his head的时候故意用另一只手揉着自己的脑袋(表示撞的很疼)。当唱到So Momma called the doctor的时候就用空着的那只手做一个打电话的手势 唱到No more monkeys jumping on the bed!时用一根食指左右摇摆表示允许再跳啦!
这个游戏道具简单且有趣随时都可以玩,可以平时亲子互动时间玩,也可以是旅途中。anytime anywhere!
我觉得只要有孩子的妈妈,英语儿歌童谣就是基础标配啊!我作为一个7岁半孩子的妈妈,托孩子的福长期累积下来我会的儿歌童谣其实还蛮多的!比如Mother goose , Wee Sing等等......哈哈哈!在这列举一部分哈!
If You're Happy And You Know It
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Rain, Rain, Go Away
To Market ,To Market
One , Two Buckle My Shoe.
Five Little Monkeys.
The Wheels On The Bus.
Five Little Ducks
Jack And Jill