我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 坚持100天. 把你听到的句子写在评论里, 和我一起坚持. 哪怕你只听懂了几个词, 当你开始行动时, 你就已经超过了绝大多数人.
Well, there're a couple of things in here you could start with.
You're alright?
It's wonderful.
Yes, I suppose it is.
Well, if you like it so much. then it's yours.
Have you really read every one of these books.
not all of them. Some of them are in Greek.
Was that a joke? Are you making jokes now.
1 这段比较简单, 全对, 听写和对答案15分钟.
2 in here很多童鞋会觉得语法错了, 其实没错, 口语中here和there常常前边出现in,表示在这里边,在那里边.