
Chapter4Word Formation1

Word formationhandles rules of how to build an English word.



affixation  (prefixation/suffixation)   unhappy/teacher

compounding                                    blackboard

conversion                                         But me no buts.

blending                                            Chinglish

shortening                                           ad

back-formation                                     edit


The expansion of vocabulary in English depends chiefly onword-formation. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion.

According to pyles and Algeo (1981), words produced throughaffixation constitute 30% to 40% of the total number of new words, compoundingyields 28% to 30% of all the new words; conversion brings 26% of the newvocabulary into modern English. The rest of the new words come from shortening,numbering 8% to 10%, together with 1% to 5% of words born out of blending andother means.


Affixationis a method of word-formation by which newwords are created by addingaffixesto roots. It is subdivided intoprefixation and suffixation.

Prefixation:the formation of new words by addingprefixesto roots.

Suffixation:the formation of new words by addingsuffixesto roots.

Prefixation:(1) Prefixes of time and order


1)ex-lover, ex-colony, ex-premier,ex-president

2)In the world of celebrities, the awkwardnesslevel between Brad Pitt & ex-wife Jennifer Aniston has seldom beenreached. After Pitt’s alleged affair with sex bomb Angelina Jolie,a rift occurred between Pitt & Aniston.


1)The report concludes by contending thatproviding a high-quality preschool education to all low-income children makesgood economic sense.

2)Jupiter is apreconditionfor life on earth.

3)Some people believe that a person’s destinyispredetermined.


1)Forewordis a short introductory essay preceding thetext of a book.

2)Several of hisforefathersemigrated toAmerica.


3)If I'd had theforethoughtto bring my raincoat, I wouldn't have got wetin the storm.



1)Postnatal depression is a depressive illnessthat occurs after having a baby.

2)The lack of postwar planning wasn't merelythe result of incompetence. It was deliberate policy. There was never anyintention of rebuildingIraq.


Businessbounced back toprewarlevels.


3)Findings from published studies suggest thatthepostoperativerecovery process is more painful, slower, and morecomplicated in adult patients who had high levels of preoperative anxiety.

4)U.S. President Barack Obama says it is up tothe people of Iran to determine their nation's future. At the same time, hesays he is troubled by the post-election turmoil there and wants to see an endto the bloodshed.


1)The reappointment of Bush is bad news forfreedom and good news for tyranny.

2)When they find that their marriage does notplease and satisfy, they divorce andremarry.

3)If he were you, he wouldreconsidermy proposal.




Skill of memorizingnew words

1)The teacher will meet his class at 8 o’clock.

2)The teacher will meet his lass at 8 o’clock.

3)The teacher will meet his ass at 8 o’clock.


Chapter 1 Word Formation2


Prefixes of time & order





Dinosaurs are prehistoric animals.


foretell the future


postdoctoral research


postgraduate reexamination

Prefixation:(2) Negative prefix

a-/ an-

1)Atypical pneumonia refers to pneumoniacaused by certain bacteria.

2)The Queen is an apolitical figure.

3)He continues to hurt others with his amoralbehaviour.


4)I believe that there is no God, so I am anatheist.


5)It is unpleasant to receive anonymousletters.


--- aletter from an anonym

--- anonymousarticle in a magazine

6)If law and order break down, anarchy willresult.




1)disapprove, disadvantage, disobedient,dishonest, disorder

2)His conductdisagreeswith his words.


3)disusethe original complex form ofChinese characters不用繁体字

4)That method fell intodisuse.


5)The viewsbetween us are discordant.


--- What has broughtdiscordinto the family?


--- His words are inaccordwith his ideas.



1)non-standard pronunciation

2)Nonviolent resistance is the practice ofachieving socio-political goals through symbolic protests,civil disobedience, economic or politicalnoncooperation, and other methods, without using violence.

3)nonsense, non-existence

in- / im- / ir- / il-

1)Abouthalf the population in the country is still-literate.

2)The keyto being-resistibleto men ismore about you and less about them.

3)Theencyclopedia provides a comprehensive survey of-formaleducation and lifelong learning.

4)GivenChina's long history, the new gender-balanceis something recent.

Key: illiterateirresistibleinformalimbalance

The usage of in-& im-

•moral,mature, measurable

•patient,partial, passable


•accurate,capability, feasible, quiet


a-, an-

dis-not, without


in- / im- / il- / ir-


Prefixation:(3) Reversative prefix


1)The above book is a photo of a book onceowned by Washington DC private Investigator Nick Beltrante who was called in todebug the offices of the Democratic National Headquarters in the WatergateBuilding after the burglars where caught.

2)But it was error when I want to debug myproject.

3)Too many people live in our cities, we livetoo close together.

We need todecentralizeour cities.

4)Torture alwaysdehumanizesboth the torturer and his victim.


5)Deforestationis the large-scale removal of trees by anymethod.



2)The bad news disheartened him.

3)Which country will be the first to disarm?

Cf. Thenewbattleshipshall bearmedwith 16-inch guns.



generaland completedisarmament.


You Can Help, Too

Beijing starts

recruiting volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games

Besides the Games volunteers, hundreds of thousands of people areneeded for other city operations. They will provide a wide range of servicessuch as controlling traffic and helping maintain public order. The launchingceremony alsounveiledthe title andslogan of the “Smile Theme Activity.”

The song“Smile, Beijing”marked

the climax of the ceremony. Children dressed in the costumes of Fu Wa, the five

Beijing Olympic mascots, held the balloons in five Olympic colors and painted

smiling faces on the balloons along with the spectators. “In 2008, the

volunteers’ smiles will be the best name cards for Beijing. We hope everyone

will help us make Beijing a‘smiling city,’”Liusaid.


1)Few believe he can beunseated.


Cf. seata candidate

2)unwrapa package


Cf. wraponeself in a blanket



dis-reversing the action


Skill of memorizingnew words


Anyone can suffer from insomnia, although sleeping problems are morecommon among women, the ill, the elderly, smokers, and alcoholics.

In som(e) ni(ghts) a(wake)


1 Word Formation3





asexual reproduction; anhydrous alcohol


disharmony between husband and wife



This charity is a nonprofit organization.

in-, im-, il-, ir-

incredible coincidence; immortal poem; illogical argument;  irrelevant thoughts


unbelievably progressive




demystify knowledge so as to help the masses to get know-how


The incident was sufficient to disarrange her whole life.


unmask a traitor

Prefixation:(4) Pejorative prefix


1)We’llnot intervene unless the children are physically maltreated.

2)Thegarbage became quite malodorous after it sat there for two weeks.

More examples:







2)He's honest, and youmisjudgehim if you think heisn't."


3)Their marriage was amismatchthey had little incommon.



1)Pseudoscience is any scheme of theories,beliefs and methods wrongly considered as scientific.

2)Although it is a pseudograph, it is stillwroth reading.


3)She writes under apseudonym/pen name.




mis-wrongly, false


(5) Prefixes of attitude and orientation


1)Monoclonal antibody technology allows us toproduce large amounts of pure antibodies in thefollowing way.

2)Antibacterialsoaps are marketed as aneffective way to get rid of germs and protect your family from colds, flus andother common illness. But do they really work? The answer may surprise you.

3)Turnanticlockwise90°and turn

clockwise 270°.


1)Secret societies had traditionally been aprogressive, prorevolutionary force in China.

2)In reality, however, the Kuomintang showedits pro-British and pro-American inclination, initiated its anti-communistactions and attempted to weakenChina’santi-Japanesenational united front.


1)Revolutionwill bring counter-revolution.

2)Ourbodies produce antibodies tocounteractdisease.


3)We musttry tocounteractthe present current of anti-government feeling.



cooperate, co-author

five principles ofpeacefulco-existence

Mutualrespect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression,non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit,and peaceful coexistence.


anti-:against, opposed topro-:for, on the side of

counter-:againstco-:together, with

(6) Prefixes ofdegree and size


1)In the movie, Spiderman is a superman whopossesses superhuman strength. However, China's spidermen, legion of low-techwindow washers, hang from single, thumb-thick ropes, cleaning country'shigh-rise windows.

2)supercarrier; superbomber


1)The navy outgeneraled and outgunned thearmy.

2)Heoutlivedhis wife by three years.


3)He's alreadyoutgrownhis older brother.


4)The childoutgrewall his clothes.


1)Is extramarital affair extralegal?

2)Her strength of will isextraordinary.

3)extraordinary, extracurricular activities



cf.a. I feel ratheroverdressed in this suit everyone else is wearing jeans!

b. Idressed up for the party.

c. Sometimes I wouldunderdress if she and I were going out to the grocery store or doing errands orstuff like that.

2)oversensitive,over-confident, overcritical

3)Don't youthink you'reoverreacta bit?




②He is so hypercritical that he correctsevery mistake his students made.

Hypercritical& Hypocritical


The politician, left and right, is hypocritical, caring aboutthemselves but never about others.


1)Alibaba.comprovides Whitening & Moisturizing Anti-UV Cream.

2)They useultravioletlamp to kill pests.




1)The microwave oven is one of the greatinventions of the 20th century.

2)microbiology, microeconomics


macro-economics, macro-structuremini-van, mini-skirt

arch-capitalist, arch-bishopsub-normalunder-developed




extra-:very, beyondmini-:small




Skillof memorizing a word

There is a deer in the reed.


1 Word Formation4





machine malfunction


I miscalculated the number of guests at the wedding.


a pseudodemocratic manner


of attitude and orientationExample


antiaging cream


pro-democracy camp


Co-Education,Good or Bad?



We should seize the opportunity to counterattack.


of degree and sizeExample


the application of superconductors


Perfect hostesses outclass sexy cheerleaders.


This blanket is made with microfiber yarns that give it an  extra-soft feel.


I cannot go to a buffet without overeating.


Parents of hyperactive children know the "Would you please  just settle down?!" phrase well.


An ultrasound machine creates images that allow various organs in  the body to be examined.


A microorganism or microbe is an organism that is so small that it  is microscopic (invisible to the naked eye).


dinosaur macro-fossil


Russian President Vladimir Putin says relations with Britain will  develop normally despite what he called a "minicrisis" between  London and Moscow.


Milton's writing in these books, and his characterization of  Satan, make the archfiend understandable and unforgettable.


The country's top watchdog on quality announced on Friday  punishments for three companies for exporting substandard products.


Don't undervalue Jim's contribution to the research.

Prefixation:(7) Locative prefix


1)Interpersonalrelationship skills help us to relate inpositive ways with our family members and others.

2)This is just an illustration of theintergenerational power struggle in the scientific world.

3)intercontinental missile

4)Although most lecturers regarded theimplementation of such an interactive teaching approach as practically notfeasible....

5)theintra-classstruggle amongst the black bourgeoisie as well as the inter-classstruggle between black and white bourgeoisies


1)The author shows that the degree ofcentralization anddecentralizationof a party and the nature of the intrapartyconflict affect the party's elite's ability to pacify internal opposition.

2)There are several types of injections,including intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injectionsetc.

3)In many respects cultural diversificationhas resulted from an actual diversification of populations in many nationsthrough international, interregional, and intranational movement of peoples.


1)Democracyis part of the superstructure.

2)Today thesame technique is used to superimpose a bamboo forest onto glass panels.



2)Subtitleis a secondary or explanatory title or a written piece of translated dialogue superimposedat the bottom of the frame during a film.



1)Telescopeis a magnifier of images ofdistant objects.

Cf. Amicroscopewill reveal much that cannotbe seen with the naked eye.

2)Telecommunication, telecontrol plane


inter-:between,amongintra-:within, inward

super-:above,oversub-:under, beneathtele-:far away

Prefixation:(8) Number prefix


1)Peruis asemifeudal and semicolonial society.

2)The semiannual reports are intended to keepthe Secretary and the Congress fully and currently informed of...

3)semicentury, semicircle, semidry


1)Herculeswas known as a demigod and was considered one of the greatest heroes ofmythology.



1)Generallyspeaking, the Easternhemi-sphereconsists of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia,while the Westernhemi-sphereincludes North and South America.


1)Unicellularorganism refers to animal or plant consistingof a single cell.

2)Unicorn is an imaginary creature representedas a white horse with a long horn growing from its forehead.

3)Our client is in need of many unilingual(English) andbilingual(English & French) sales trainers fortheir expanding operations.

4)During the late 1980s, some sportsmen tookan interest in the unicycle.


1)She speaks inmonotone, with no emotion, and it is hard to get through her lectures.

2)In this world-famousmonologue, Shylock attacks Anthony, of whom he demands a pound of flesh, anddefends his brutality and his rage.

3)Carbonmonoxide, with the chemicalformula CO, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas.

bi-, di-

1)The bilateral agreement will createsignificant new opportunities for US exporters of industrial and agriculturalgoods.

2)Monica, who grew up inNew York City, is the product of a biculturalmarriage which has given her a unique view of life.



1)“Spring Days”–A Painful Triangular LoveStory Testing The Brotherhood Spirit.

2)Atricoloris a type of flag that hasthree stripes, either horizontal or vertical.France's flag (sometimes called the'Tricolor') was adopted in 1789. It consists of three equal vertical bands ofblue white, and red.

3)tricycle, tridimensional space


1)A multipurpose satellite ofSouth Koreais to be launched on July28 inRussia.

2)The multiform universe of nature and man.

3)Multimedia kits, multilateral trade


1)What isthe nature of unity in a multinational, polyethnic country?

2)_Polysyllable_refersto a word of more than three syllables.


semi-, demi-, hemi-:halfuni-,

mono-:one, single

bi-, di-:twotri-:three

multi-:many, muchpoly-:many

Exercise:Infer themeaning of the underlined word:

In light of these points, we call fordemilitarizationandrebudgeting for conversion to socially useful production.

Skillof memorizing a word

The plot of the United States and some other Western countries topracticehegemonyand power politicsunder the pretext of the human right issue has once again fallen through.

He ge(ts) mon(e)y.


1 Word Formation5


Locative  Prefix



It was Harvard's first defeat in an  intercollegiate hockey championship contest in several years.


This card can be used for both intracity  bus and subway.


Through such human action governed by  the divine soul, the superlunar realm intervenes into the sublunar, political  realm.



Many telecourse students are full time  workers.

Number  Prefix




demi-A semi-automatic rifle is a type of  rifle that fires a single bullet each time the trigger is pulled.

Hemicycle is a plane figure with the  shape of half a circle.

the demilune table


mono-a uniflow traffic

a monolingual dictionary


di-bimonthly journal/ The bimonthly  meetings are on the first and third Fridays of each month.

The East-West dichotomy is a  philosophical concept of ancient origin claiming that the two cultural  hemispheres, East and West, …


Atrichotomyis a splitting into three parts.



Polygamy has been practiced by mankind  for thousands of years. Many of the ancient Israelites were polygamous, some  having hundreds of wives.


1)When didChristians begin to practice monogamy.

2)Polygamyis considered a crime in manycountries.

-gamy: marriage to spouse

Prefixation:(9) conversion prefix


1)asleep, alive

2)When the servants hand him the finest food,he is unable to lift up his spoon, because he is all atremble.

3)She sits astride a horse, for astride ridingis safer.

4)At the Royal Observatory, visitors can standastride the Greenwich Meridian with one foot in the eastern and the other inthe western hemisphere.

5)Thunder accompanies lightning.


1)Don’t belittle or underestimate yourself.

2)Is it worthwhile for you, forChinato befriend theUnited Stateseven if they do notseem to like you?

3)The crown is richly bejeweled.

4)No one bewailed the misfortune.


1)The wind wailed in the trees.

2)The wail of a wolf


1)We believe it is very unfortunate that thoseconcerned with endangered species are not uniting behind this simple banner.

2)Science empowers men to control naturalforces more effectively.

3)Would we prefer to satisfy our own pleasureand embitter the heart of a neighbor?

Prefixation:(10) Miscellaneous prefixes


1)During 1989--2001, neonatal mortality in theUnited States declined 25%.

2)The term_neofacism_is the term usedto describe fascist movements active after World War II.


1)For more than a century, one of the centralquestions in paleoanthropology has been whether modern man evolved from thishominid.

2)Paleoecology is the science ofreconstructing past environments using fossil materials of plants, animals, orother indicators of past environments.

3)paleobotany, paleozoology, paleobiology


1)During the latter part of the nineteenthcentury and during the early decades of the twentieth, as Panamericanismdeveloped its concept as a mechanism for inter-American dialogue andcooperation, in the wider political and economic...

2)Pan-Africanism in essence means the unity ofall African descended people worldwide irrespective of ethnicity/culture ornationality.

3)Paneuropeanism, panasianism


Anti-corruptionnovel writer elected vice-governor ofShanxiProvince

Zhang Ping, a Chinese writer famous for his series ofanti-corruption novel figures, was elected as the vice-governor of northChina'sShanxiProvinceWednesday at the first session of the 11th Provincial People's Congress.


Therefore, ecocrisis---- ecocatastrophe or ecocide---- has been forsome time one of the major concerns of not only the ecoactivists andenvironmentalists, but of many scientists of other fields and the governmentauthorities of many ...


neo-:newpaleo-:oldpan-:all, the whole of

vice-:deputyeco-:life, environment

Skill of memorizing

a word

--- Why should a mannever tell his secrets in a cornfield?

--- Because it hasmany ears.

Chapter 1 Word Formation (6)





A ship is afloat.


He is besotted by her beauty.


em-Her beauty enslaved many young men.

Drought embrowned the leaves.




How is Romanticism different from the  Neoclassicism?


Thus was born the field of  paleogenetics, which celebrates its 25th anniversary.


Don't be too disappointed with the final  result - you can surely be proud to be vice-champion.


The high point of the pan-Arab movement  was in the 1960s.


In that case we'd be facing ecodoom.


Definition:Suffixationis the formation of a new word by adding a suffix to the root.

Classification:Sincesuffixes usually change the word from one part of speech to another, it isconvenient to classify them according to the word class of the word they form:verb suffixes, adjective suffixes, adverb suffixes, and noun suffixes.

Suffixation:verb suffixes


The style of architectureoriginatedfrom the ancient Greeks.



1)widen, threaten

2)Fruitsweetensas itripens. (sweet, ripe)

3)A good meal sweetened his temper.


1)beautify, diversify, pacify

2)That willsimplifymy task. (simple)


1)realize, modernize

2)Our country is in great danger, we mustmobilize the army.


Danila Bagrov, justdemobbed from the army, returns to his quiet, provincial hometown.

Suffixation:adjective suffixes


1)illustration of a bare tree and aleafytree.

2)natural unshaven girls withhairyarmpits and legs.

3)Don't get toomateywith him; he's a rogue.


4)It was all very neat and christmasy.

5)The sleeves were almost enough to cover hismeaty hands.

Itsopposite: bony

6)The cream reportedly gives the skin theright amount of moisture, and claims to leave it soft, silky and fragrant.


1)Guilinis oneofChina's most picturesquecities, situated northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the southofChina, on the west bankof theLijiangRiver.

2)Romanesque architecture and art is theartistic style that prevailed throughoutEuropefrom the 10th to the mid-12th.

Suffixation:adverb suffixes



2)Strangely, I've never seen that televisionshow before.


1)He repaid the money twofold.

2)Have the prices been increased hundredfold?


1)Well, if we were to ask why a crab moves crabwiseor sideways, that'd be a pretty good answer…

2)Dollarwise, business is better than ever,but not so good profitwise.

Suffixation:noun suffixes


1)He did not care that local residents regardhim as a wartimeprofiteer.

2)Weaponeeris extremely well known in the gun andshooting sports groups, and is extremely popular with gunsmiths.(goldsmith/silversmith/coppersmith/ironsmith/blacksmith)

3)Rocketeer & Racketeer?

a)Rocketeerrefers to a person who workswith space rockets.

b)Generally theracketeersearches for phones, mp3,money. They threaten often verbally but can also threaten with knives, cutters,or simply hit the victim.

4)mountaineer, auctioneer


1)Teenager: boy or girl in his or her teens(the ages of 13 to19).

2)A diner might refer to:

a person who dines(用餐者)

a dining car on a train(餐车)

3)He is atan absorbingthrillerand can't be disturbed.


4)chopper, sprayer, cooker, three-wheeler


1)Mance Lipscomb, guitarist and songster, wasborn to Charles and Jane Lipscomb on April 9, 1895.

2)The losing gamester, in hopes of retrievingpast fortunes, goes on from bad to worse, till grown desperate,...


By craftsthe gamblertrickedthemout ofall their money.


a. cheater / tricker

b. a supernatural being found in the folklore


1)Leatheretteis an imitation leather,especially one that is made with paper and cloth, or from plastic.

2)Usheretterefers to a girl or womanemployed to escort people to their seats, as in a theater or stadium.

3)Acigaretteis a tobacco productmanufactured out of cured and finely cut tobacco leaves.

cure:to preserve bysalting, smoking, drying, etc




Theempressasked his son to marry theprincessof the neighboring kingdom.


1)piglet,leaflet, starlet, droplet

2)Thisbooklet/pamphletis delicately made.



1)six dogs and theircohabitee/cohabitor/cohabitant




2)She left home andwent to anunnery.



Skill of memorizinga word

Do you know how to irritate a farmer?

--- Bytramping on his corn that will ear soon.

--- Bytramping on his corn.


1 Word Formation7

1. Compounding

1.1 Definition

Compoundingor composition is a word-formation process in which words are formed by puttingtwo or more words together. The new word thus formed is called a compound word.

1.2Characteristics of compounds

1.2.1 Phonologicalfeatures


‘fat headfat ‘head

‘hot househot ‘house

‘dark horsedark ‘horse

‘greenroomgreen ‘room


I can donothing except for swimming in thedog days.

blueblood , green hand, red meat, blue ribbon, flower pot, washing machine


1)I reallyget tired of hearing Sallybad-mouthher mother and father.

2)You'llnotice Bonnie's always whispering with someone in the office. She can't stopbad-mouthingother people.

3)Everyyear, hundreds of women commit neonaticide: they kill theirnewbornsor let them die.

4)I don’tknow what kind of relationship you have with your sister-in-law, but I hardlyever get naked with mybrothers-in-law.




Open:hot dog

1.3 Classificationof compounds



Peoplealways complain that the government just payslip servicetosolving the social problems.


__Frostbite_is damage that happens when skin is exposed to

extreme cold for too long. It mainly happens on the hands, feet, nose and ears.


1)If I were a gravedigger, or even ahangman, there are some people I can work forwith a great deal of pleasure.

2)In preparation for the ark, theglowwormand thefireflyhave a conversation about Noah. He says we canwork the night shift.(Noah’s Ark)


1)The__greenhouse_effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certaingases in the atmosphere trap energy from the sun.

2)I'm wondering where the term “greenroom”, thebackstagearea whereactors wait, comes from.


Ever wondered what Shanna the She-Devil would look like as played byJane Fonda?


Facingintense competition both from global rivals like General Motors Corp. anddomesticupstartslike Chery Automobile Co., VW has seen its marketshare drop to 18 percent, from well over 50 percent in the 1990s.

Phrasal compound

1)This beautiful antiquemerry-go-roundwas manufactured in 1911 and it hashand-carved horses and other animals to ride on.

2)Alaska's stateflower is the alpineforget-me-not. The best time to see thealpineforget-me-notis midsummer, from late June to late July.

3)I don’t know what kind of relationship youhave with yoursister-in-law, but I hardly ever get naked with mybrothers-in-law.



1)The wind uprooted some trees.

2)uproot colonialism

The verbcompounds are usually formed byconversion(e.g., to honeymoon)orback-formation.

1)His two babies are beingbabysatby his mother. (babysitter)

2)Most mothersbreast-feedtheir babies. When they breast-feed, theyprovide their baby with the best possible nutrition. (breast-feeding)

3)Were her childrenbottle-fedorbreast-fed?(bottle-feeding)

4)The judge told the lawyer not tobrowbeatthe witness.( browbeater)

5)Learning tolipreadwill helpcommunication for Deafand hard of hearing people. (lipreading)

1.3.3 adjectivecompounds

1)__Bittersweet_refersto a combination of the standard tastes of sweetness and bitterness, and isoften used as a metaphor for experiences which have elements of both happinessand sadness.

2)Find out if you're eligible for aninterest-freestudent loan.

3)Christina Aguilera was spotted leaving theKoko Club in asee-throughdress.

4)Regarded as one ofCanada’sgreatestall-roundathletes (all-rounder), Peden excelled incycling, basketball, baseball, and rugby.

2. Backformation


In the film Shrek II the prince charming is a swindler, the kindlyGodmother is an insidious designer.

Man swindled by

fake taobao site

A SHENZHEN man was swindled out of 1200 yuan (US$158) Friday by afake Web site which sent him…

Definition &Examples

Backformation is a process of word-formation by which a word iscreated by the deletion of the supposed suffix.


The orator was elected a member of the lower house of thePennsylvanialegislature, and heoratesfrequentlyabout politics.


1)There is a danger that the conflict mightescalateto a nuclear confrontation.

2)Defeat could cause one side or other toescalatethe conflict.


Many kids are lazy and they are content tolazeaway their summers splashing around the pool.


We are utterly ruined and we are at anutterloss what to do.


Not long after Banting'sLetter on Corpulencewas publishedthe verb "tobant" entered the language and peoplelosing weight said they were “banting."

Skill of memorizinga word


Miss… is sippi (ng).


1 Word Formation8


1)Thesmokehurt my eyes.

2)Kissing someone whosmokesis likekissing an ashtray.

3)We could see a chimneysmokingin thedistance.

4)He smokes a pipe/cigars.

1. Definition

Conversionis the formation of new words by convertingwords of one class to another class, i.e., by turning words of a certain partof speech into words of another part of speech. The process of creating newwords without adding any affixes is also calledzero derivation.

Cf. Conversion

prefixes:a-, be-, en-/em-


1)Eyesafire, he rushed out ofthe room.

2)His conscience was sadlybenumbed.

3)Her behaviorenragedhim.

4)The solution to the now-threatening natureof the Thames was toembankthe river.

5)the bridgeastridethe river

2. Types ofconversion

2.1 Conversion tonouns

Verb to noun

1)The little restaurant is quite afind.

2)However, as one banker explains, banks stillbenefit because most people get personal loans to buy theimports.

3)She decided to accept the offer forwantof anything better.

4)That's a nice__catch_.

5)We paid a__visit_tothe park yesterday.

6)It's my considered opinion that he is a liarand acheat.

7)Please show me your monthly bus__pass_.

Right branching& Left branching.

In English, many phrasal verbs can also beconverted into nouns and the converted forms fall into 2 groups: rightbranching and left branching. The former is derived from a verb + particleexpression, while the latter consists of a particle + verb.

Right branching

1)We all know their marriagebroke up.

The__breakup_of theirmarriage was known to us all.

2)The football players arewarming upquickly before the game.

The football players are having a quick__warm-up_before the game.

Left branching


outand threw the country into confusion.

The__outbreak_of SARSthrew the country into confusion

2)The waterflowed overandposed a threat to the crops.

The_overflow_of the water posed a threat to the crops.

Adjective to noun

Partial conversion

Some adjectives can be used as nouns when preceded by definitearticles, but they cannot be preceded by determiners like a, this, my etc.Therefore, such adjective to noun conversion ispartial.

1)Thesebooks are intended forthe deaf and mute.

2)It isadvisable to suspend judgment untilthe accusedhas offered hisdefense.

Complete conversion

1)When thecollapse occurred, the twonativesofInner

Mongoliawere at the end of the tunnel and were not injured.

2)The WorldCupfinalis being transmitted live to over fifty countries.

3)They areexpected to get through to the pairs figure skatingfinals.


1)Life isfull ofups and downs.

2)Rubbergloves are amustif your skin is sensitive to washing powders.

3)His talk contains too manyifs andbuts.

4)Is Mary'snew baby ahe?

2.2 Conversion toverbs

Noun to verb

1)If you have been unable to find a jobbecause you areblacklisted, the new National Credit Act bringsgood news.

2)As a result, the Japanese merchants felteconomically and politicallycorneredand thus supportedincreasingly the ultra-rightist movement.

3)She quicklypocketedthe notewithout reading it.

4)She spends her spare timenursingher old mother.

5)The hall canseattwo thousandpeople.

Adjective to verb

1)The hot weather hassouredthemilk.

2)She oftenbaresher heart toher intimate friends.

3)If the person fails to do so, he or shewould be forced toemptya glass.

4)The carsloweddown to halfits speed.

5)The room graduallyquieteddown.


1)Butme nobuts.

2)The department head frowned andpooh-poohedour plan.

3)The boxerdownedhis opponentin the third round.

2.3 Conversion toadjective

Exercise: Are thereany differences between the following expressions?



3)goldcross/golden cross





4)stonehouse/stony cushion

5)bankruptcylawyer/bankrupt businessman


1)It is athrough


2)Thomaswas the only woman journalist traveling withthenPresident NixontoChinaduring his breakthrough trip in January, 1972.


Pick out examples of conversion in the sentences below and explaintheir meanings.

1)George did his makeup for the part ofHamlet.

2)The takeoff of the plane was smooth.

3)There are ways that students can prepare forfinals without losing their hair.

4)Make your jewellery and small valuables lesstempting for a thief by following our advice.

5)He knows all the ins and outs of the wholestory.

6)She mothered the orphan.

7)The photograph yellowed with age.

8)I am just a little under-the-weather today,so I decided to take the rest of the day off and really rest.

9)The event became the divide between two erasof Chinese history.

Skill of memorizinga word

AMoorlives in a big room in themoor.


1 Word Formation9

1. Review


She dropped the hair dryer into the bathtub and was instantly_electrocuted__.

electrical + execution

2. Blending

2.1 Definition

Blendingis a process of word-formation by combiningparts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. The result of such aprocess is called ablend, which combines the_sounds__and_meanings_of two others.

2.2 Classification




sci-fi, comsat, sitcom,  psywar, Amerind


brunch, smog, chocoholic, stagflation, boatel, autocide,  guestimate, Chinglish,beautility


medicare,Eurasia, telediagnosis,  docudrama


lunarnaut, slimnastics, talkathon, travelogue, newscast,  workaholic


skylab, masscult

2.3 Practice

head + head

1)__Sci-fi or SF__is apopular genre of fiction in which the narrative world differs from our ownpresent or historical one.

2)Song Dandan, one of the country's mostpopular smallscreen comedians, is busy making another_sitcom__.

head + tail

1)Chocolate may be addictive and could impactthe health of the_chocoholic_.

2)__Stagflation_is aneconomic situation in which inflation and economic stagnation occursimultaneously and remain unchecked for a period of time.

head + word

1)Chinahas mademassive progress in urban_medicare__system reform duringthe 1996-2000 period.

2)A __docudrama_is adramatization of actual historical events. It may represent contemporary social-or it may deal with older historical events.

word + head

1)__Skylab_, ascience and engineering laboratory, was launched into Earth orbit by arocket on 14 May 1973.

2)It may seem silly to make distinctionsbetween good and bad__masscult_(大众文化), and yet that’s exactly what we do all thetime.

word + tail

1)Do you want to be a__lunarnaut_?(登月宇航员)

2)Are You a__shopaholic__?If you‘re heartbroken, would a new wardrobe make you feel better?(购物狂)

3)On April 16, the fifth annual_Slimnastics__Fitness Olympics was held.  Over eighty girls competed in the event. The competition was intense and the scores unbelievable.

4)Although the term “__workaholic__"usually has a negative connotation, it is sometimes used by people wishing toexpress their devotion to one's career in positive terms.

5)On Wednesday October 15 the network willhost a 12 hour_talkathon_ for Poverty Relief.

3. Abbreviation

Abbreviationrefers to word formation throughclipping,initialismsandacronyms.

These short forms are quicker and more convenient in use and forthis reason they are becoming more and more popular especially in web English.


Definition:Clippingdenotesthe deletion of one or more syllables from a word. Words created by clippingare calledclippedwords.

Type of clipping



Front clipping


Back clipping

stereophonic, gentleman, fanatic, advertisement, dormitory, homosexual,  champion

Front & back clipping

influenza, refrigerator, pajamas

Middle clipping

Ltd (limted), yr (year/your)

Phrase clipping

Public house, zoological garden, popular music, permanent waves,  narcotics agent


1)Bazooka thought he heard some explosions

just before the _quake_started.


He’s inthe market for a useddozerand forklift. (bulldozer)

3)A pioneeringparachutistjumpto his death from a bridge during a festival when his _chute_openedtoo late, a sheriff said.

4)TheExpois devoted topromoting technological interaction between nations.

5)Theautoindustry has beeneven more aggressive about its online advertising efforts, and automakers haveincreased annual onlineadspending by 37 percent.

6)"Danila Bagrov, just demobbed from thearmy, returns to his quiet, provincial home town.

7)This fact sheet provides general informationabout one type of avianinfluenza(birdflu) thathas caused infections in birds and in humans.

8)Arefrigerator(often called a"fridge" for short) is an appliance for the storage andpreservation of perishable food.

9)Anhui Garments Import & Export Co.,Ltd.is an integrated share-holding firm with business scopes in internationaltrade, real estate development, labor force export, foreign economiccooperation and overseas exhibition business, etc.

10)It has been reported that 4.5% of youngadults (15-34yr) in theUKhave used MDMA (ecstasy) in the previous 12 months.

11)The American Music Award for FavoritePophas been awarded since 1974.

12)I didn't know Joe Carnahan directed "Narc"until I saw his name in the opening credits of the film.

13)Permyour outgrowth.Just because you still have perm in your hair doesn't mean you can't haveanother perm. In fact, a perm specially formulated for previously permed haircan give you even, manageable, silky soft curls.

Spelling alternationfor clipping

1)BizChinareplacedFinancial Report and has become CCTV International’s flagship business newsprogram.

2)Baby carriages (in American English) orprams(in Commonwealth English, short forperambulator) are generallyused for newborn babies and have the infant lying down facing the pusher.

3)bike, mike

3.2 Initialism

Initialisms are words formed from the initial letters of words, andpronounced as a sequence of letters.

1)Starting in 1908 as the Bureau ofInvestigation (BOI), theFBIdid not receive its current nameuntil 1935.

2)Though we can easily buy beauty products,there are still many benefits to be found inDIYskincare.

3)TheVIPCard can and only beused by its holder. It is not transferable.

4)He is theemcee (MC)of that club.

5)As adeejay

(DJ), Joop perfectly knows how to get a party started.

6)More examples:VOA, UFO, BBS

3.3 Acronyms

Acronymsare words formed from the initial letters ofwords and pronounced assinglewords.

NATOwas founded early in the Cold War with theexpress aim of defendingWestern Europeagainst military invasion.

More examples:

1)SARS:severe acute respiratorysyndrome

2)TOEFL:test of English as aforeign language

3)UNESCO:United Nations Education Scientific andCultural Organization

4)OPEC:Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

3.4 Other forms ofabbreviation

3.4.1The letters represent part of a word.

1)Tuberculosis(TB)is primarily anillness of the respiratory system, and is spread by coughing and sneezing.


3)ID(identity card)

3.4.2 Aletter represents the complete form of thefirst word, while the second word is in full form.

1)If he is going to test anH-bomb(hydrogen bomb), it will have to be a bigexplosion, or then it's a dud or a fake.

2)Every kid in the country wanted to be aG-Manand the toy industry responded by creating a large variety of toys.


Skill of memorizing

a word Skill of memorizing a word

1)It is said that the plant can be used totreathepatitis.

2)Hepatitisis a disease of theliver most often caused by a virus.

3)-itis: inflammation


5)If you would leave off smoking, yourbronchitiswould much improve.


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