The duo tracked the limo to a parking lot.
When they looked inside, they were shocked.
The back seat had been ripped to shreds.
The two went to find the driver, a jaguar named Mr. Manchas.
When Manchas opened his door, the pair saw that he was badly bruised.
He told them that Mr. Otterton had attacked him.
"Woah. A teensy otter... did that?"
Mr. Manchas explained that Mr. Otterton had been mumbling about "night howlers" before he went savage.
Suddenly, Mr. Manchas dropped to all fours.
Without warning, he lunged at Judy and Nick.
He had gone savage, too!
Nick and Judy tried to capture Mr. Manchas, but he had escaped.
When they explained to Chief Bogo what had happened, he demanded Judy's badge.
Before Judy could agree, Nick stepped forward.
"Here's the thing, Chief, you gave her the 48 hours, so technically we still have 10 left to find our Mr. Otterton.
And that's exactly what we're gonna do.
So If you'll excuse us, we have a very big lead to follow and a case to crack."
Judy was surprised to see Nick stand up for her.
She realized that there was more to the fox than she had first thought.
Maybe the two weren't so different after all.
Then Nick had an idea.
They could use the traffic cameras to see where the savage Mr. Manchas had gone.
Nick and Judy visited Deputy Mayor Bellwether.