



1.答:假如我是一家化妆品商家 去天猫开专卖店需要企业营业执照  商标注册 以及一系列商标授权书的证明相关材料 商家基础信息采集表等 其次是与支付宝之间的对点连接  属于店家法人自己管理    会有5万元以上基本押金上交给天猫公司 但大多是由代理商经营 相对开专卖店成本与门槛 会比较低  如在京东开专卖店  首先取得入进京东的同时 京东整体公司会对专卖店入驻的审核会更加严格 需要证明专卖店产品质量与信用也要求更好  但商家成本尤其物流成本会降低一些  希望老师能详情讲解一下


a降低采购成本: 企业通过与供应商建立企业电子商务,实现网上自动采购,可以减少双方为进行交易投入的人力 物力和财力。另外采购方企业可以通过整合企业内部的采购体系,统一向供应商采购,实现批量采购获取折扣




3.答:                              B2B

Business to Business

Libbey has built several consumer and trade brands which have become household names in many countries. Our competitive advantages lie in our core strengths in glass development and manufacturing, along with an extensive product portfolio that reaches around the globe in diverse markets and segments.

We're ready to lend you our edge.

关键词    product portfolio【产品组合】]  diverse markets【多元市场】

                trade brands  【贸易品牌】

  网址    http://b2b.libbey.com/


The B2C model is likely the model that most people are familiar with. If you've ever purchased an item online for your own use, you've e-tailed. Pretty much any product can be sold through e-tailing, also known as virtual storefronts. The concept was first developed in 1979 by Michael Aldrich, an English inventor, who connected a television set to a transaction processing computer with a telephone line and coined the term "teleshopping."

As the Internet grew in the 1990s, hundreds of thousands of domain names began to register. The potential for e-tailing was seen early on in books like "Future Shop: How Technologies Will Change the Way We Shop and What We Buy" (1992), which predicted the coming e-commerce revolution. There were, of course, security problems. When Netscape developed Secure Socket Layers (SSL) – encryption certificates, consumers began to feel more comfortable transmitting data over the Internet. Web browsers could identify if a site had an authenticated SSL certificate, helping consumers determine whether or not a site could be trusted.SSL ee-commerce revolution.ncryptionis still a vital part of Web security today.

关键词  e-tailed.【电子跟踪】virtual storefronts.【虚拟店面】

e-commerce revolution.【电子商务革命】.SSL 【安全套连接层】

网址    http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5085-what-is-b2c.html


Business model[edit]

Most C2C websites, such as eBay, have both streamlined and globalized traditional person-to-person trading, which was usually conducted through such forms as garage sales, collectibles shows, flea markets and more, with their web interface. This facilitates easy exploration for buyers and enables the sellers to immediately list an item for sale within minutes of registering.[7]

When an item is listed on a C2C site, a nonrefundable insertion fee is charged based on the seller's opening bid on the item. Once the auction is completed, a final value fee is charged. This fee generally ranges from 1.25 percent to 5 percent of the final sale price.[8]

After the C2C site sets up the system in which bids could be placed, items can be put up for sale, transactions can be completed, seller fees are charged, and feedback can be left, while the C2C site stays in the background. For example, at the end of an auction, the C2C site notifies the buyer via e-mail that he or she has won. The C2C site also e-mails the seller to report who won and at what price the auction finished. At that point it's up to the seller and buyer to finish the transaction independently of the C2C site.

关键词 globalized【全球化】streamlined【流线型】open tender【公开投标】

          cost of value【价值费用】



2.阅读一篇以上ecommerce  innovate相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
(参考入口 bing.com;search.yahoo.com)

1.答  周围朋友推荐且自己有需求时  通过微博一些博主安利一些好用很棒的APP时 我会安装一个APP 循环性的进行一些广告宣传时 好奇心也会驱使我进行下载 自己用了一段时间之后 感觉特别好用 没有插入太多广告 实用性强时 我会疯狂安利给周围的朋友

2 .The world economy throughout history has bared witness to a series of innovations, fluctuations and new concepts created out of what seemed for many, thin air. The way of doing business has continuously evolved, from a

commodities market to a goods based economy to a service economy and to the latest, experience economy. Most of human history has functioned by relying heavily on what is known as the commodities, and later goods based economy, in recent history however, most of the developed countries have switched to a service based economy transferring most of the goods production facilities to the developing world.

The question might arise however, why would countries willingly give up goods production and therefore the job comes with them. In the simplest terms, countries that are considered first world simply aim for their economy to be based on what is most profitable and what is considered to be cutting edge. Technology which incorporates both hardware and software elements are at the forefront of those types of business activities there with computer knowledge becoming the norm for even the simplest of service providing companies.


commodity rconomy【商品经济】service economy【服务经济】

the experience economy【体验经济】the hardware【硬件元素】

software elements【软件元素】computeracy【计算机知识】


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