所以,总体而言,我们都在浪费能量。本质上,能量浪费就是内在冲突,也就是追逐理想形象(I should/I must)与逃避真实面目(I should not/I must not)之间的冲突。内心一旦产生了二元分别,冲突就在所难免了。所以,你必须明白二元分别心的全部过程,这并不是说不存在男女、红绿、明暗、长短——这些的确存在;我要说的是,我们的努力总是陷入事实与理念的分裂中,从而导致生命能量的浪费。
——克里希那穆提《生命书:365观心日课》(The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti)
Duality Creates Conflict
Conflict of any kind—physically, psychologically, intellectually—is a waste of energy. Please, it is extraordinarily difficult to understand and to be free of this because most of us are brought up to struggle, to make effort. When we are at school, that is the first thing that we are taught—to make an effort. And that struggle, that effort is carried throughout life—that is, to be good you must struggle, you must fight evil, you must resist, control. So, educationally, sociologically, religiously, human beings are taught to struggle. You are told that to find God you must work, discipline, do practice, twist and torture your soul, your mind, your body, deny, suppress; that you must not look; that you must fight, fight, fight at that so-called spiritual level—which is not the spiritual level at all. Then, socially each one is out for himself, for his family.
… So, all around, we are wasting energy. And that waste of energy in essence is conflict: the conflict between “I should” and “I should not,” “I must” and “I must not.” Once having created duality, conflict is inevitable. So one has to understand this whole process of duality—not that there is not man and woman, green and red, light and darkness, tall and short; all those are facts. But in the effort that goes into this division between the fact and the idea, there is the waste of energy.