The plain below 200 meters above sea levelaccounts for about 20%, the plain and hills between 200 and 500 meters abovesea level accounts for about 22%, and the plateau and mountains above 500meters account for about 58%, with an average elevation of 700 meters. Thecontinental terrain is characterized by north-south mountain ranges runningparallel to the coast on the east and west sides, and the Great plains in themiddle. The terrain is clearly divided into three zones.
Eastern mountains and Plateaus: TheLabrador Plateau to the north of the St. Lawrence River, the AppalachianMountains to the south, the terrain is high in the south and low in the north,and the altitude is generally 300-500 meters. There is a narrow coastal plainalong the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side of the Appalachian Mountains,which gradually descends to meet the central Plain on the western side.
Central Plain: Between the LabradorPlateau, the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains, extending fromHudson Bay in the north to the Gulf of Mexico in the south through the middleof the continent. The northern half of the plain is covered with lakes andrapids, while the southern half is covered by the Mississippi River plain. Thewest of the plains is the world famous Great Plains.
Western mountains and plateaus: It is thenorthern section of the Cordillera system, stretching from Alaska to the southof Mexico, mainly including three parallel mountains. The eastern belt is theRocky Mountains with an altitude of 2,000-3,000 meters above sea level,extending 5,000 kilometers from north to south, which is an important dividingline of North America's climate. The western belt starts from the coastmountains of the United States in the south, and enters the sea in the north toform the coastal islands of western Canada. The altitude is generally 500-1000meters; The mesosphere includes the Alaska Range in the north, the Coast Rangein Canada, and the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Ridge in the United States. MountMcKinley in Alaska, the United States, is 6,193 meters above sea level, thehighest peak in North America.
Between the eastern belt and the middlebelt, there are plateaus and basins. The bottom of the Great Basin is 800-1300meters above sea level, and Death Valley in the southern part of the basin is86 meters below sea level, the lowest point of land in the Western hemisphere.North America has a higher average altitude and larger terrain fluctuations.The terrain is divided into three major north-south vertical belts: the west isa tall mountain system, the middle is a broad plain, and the east is a lowplateau.
Volcanoes and earthquakes
The coastal region of western North Americais part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. There are more than 90 active volcanoes inNorth America, including 28 in the Aleutian Islands, 20 in Alaska and more than40 in Central America. The western part of North America is also the area ofthe world where earthquakes are frequent and strong.
The outflow area of North America accounts forabout 88% of the whole continent, of which the area belonging to the Atlanticbasin accounts for about 48% of the whole continent, and the area belonging tothe Pacific basin accounts for about 20%. All major rivers, except the St.Lawrence, rise in the Rocky Mountains. Rivers east of the Rockies drain intothe Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, respectively, while those west drain into thePacific Ocean. The inflow area (including the no-flow area) accounts for about12% of the whole continent, mainly distributed in the Great Basin of thewestern United States and Greenland. The Mississippi River is the largest riverin North America and the fourth longest in the world by length. It is followedby the Mackenzie River, Yukon River, St. Lawrence River and the Rio GrandeRiver. Other important rivers are the Colorado River, the Ohio River, and theColumbia River.
There are many waterfalls on rivers inNorth America. The largest waterfall is Yosemite Falls in Yosemite NationalPark in the western United States, which drops 739 meters. Niagara Falls, 54meters wide, 1160 meters wide. North America is a continent with many lakes.The total area of fresh water lakes is about 400,000 square kilometers, rankingfirst among all continents. Lakes are found mainly in the northern half of thecontinent. The Great Lakes in the central Plateau Region: Lake Superior, LakeHuron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, with a total area of 245,273square kilometers, is the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world, knownas the "North American Mediterranean". Lake Superior is the largestfreshwater lake in the world.
The region is divided into nine regions:Eastern region, Central Region, Western region, Alaska, Canadian ArcticIslands, Greenland, Mexico, Central America and West Indies. It is bounded bythe Bering Strait and Asia, and by the Panama Canal and South America.
The eastern region
East Atlantic, coast twists and turns,there are many harbors, most ports in North America concentrated in this area,the St. Lawrence Valley north for the Labrador plateau, 300-600 meters abovesea level, more glacial lake, lake plateau said; South of the AppalachianMountains, generally 1000-1500 meters above sea level, the west side of themountains for the Appalachian plateau, the mountains and the Atlantic Oceanhave narrow foothill plateau and coastal plain. Many short, fast-flowing riverspass through the hard and soft rock at the foot of the mountain to form awaterfall, so the southwest from New York to Columbus line called the"waterfall line." This region is North America's earliest industrialand agricultural development area, is also an important industrial, commercialand financial center.
The central region
Located between the Labrador Plateau,Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains, from the upper Churchill River inthe north to the Gulf of Mexico in the south, an area about 3,000 kilometerslong and 2,000 kilometers wide. It is one of the most concentrated producingareas of wheat, corn, soybean and cotton in North America and one of the mostdeveloped areas of meat animal husbandry.
In the western region
Composed of tall mountains and plateaus, itis the northern section of the American Cordillera system, and the RockyMountains are the skeleton of the terrain in this area. Many volcanoes, hotsprings, frequent earthquakes. Inland CLIMATE IS DRY, mainly ANIMAL husbandry,THE Pacific COAST area planting SUBTROPICAL fruits of HORTICULture is verydeveloped, mining plays an important role in this area, manufacturing industryto aircraft, shipbuilding and other important.
Alaska is in the northwest of NorthAmerica. The mainland part, the mountains are divided into north and south, thecentral Yukon Plateau, the Pacific coast region more volcanoes, earthquakes arefrequent. The main minerals are petroleum, gold, tin, copper, coal and so on.The economy is dominated by mining, fishing and fur industry. The AleutianIslands are a group of volcanic islands southwest of Alaska that are prone toearthquakes. The domestication and fishing of furry beasts.
Canadian Arctic Islands
A group of islands north of the NorthAmerican continent and west of Greenland. The area is about 1.6 million squarekilometers. The population is small and the main inhabitants are Inuit. Thereare many straits between the islands, among which the Hudson Strait betweenBaffin Island and Labrador Peninsula, is the Hudson Bay through the AtlanticOcean maritime traffic arteries. The exposed hard rocks of each island aremostly mountainous areas with an altitude of 500-1000 meters. They are lakesformed by long-term glaciation, multi-glacial topography and glaciation. Thecoastal plain is narrow and the coast is tortuous with fjords. The climate iscold, the average annual precipitation is less than 300 mm. The inhabitantslive by fishing and catching sea animals.
Located in the southern part of NorthAmerica, is the origin of sisal, guayule and other cultivated plants.
Central America
It is a general term for Central America,which refers to the central part of the American continent south of Mexico andnorth of Colombia. Facing the Caribbean Sea to the east and the Pacific Oceanto the west, it is a bridge connecting North and South America, includingGuatemala, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.With an area of about 520,000 square kilometers and a population of about 29.84million, the region is dominated by plateaus and mountains. The mountain isclose to the Pacific coast, and belongs to the middle part of the Cordilleramountain system in America. The highest point is more than 4,000 meters abovesea level.