The Story of Philosophy的第127句:第1章Plato第2节II. Socrates第7段第1句:
No topics could have been more vital than these to the young Athenians of that generation. The Sophists had destroyed the faith these youths ha once had in the gods and goddesses of Olympus, and in the moral code that had taken its sanction so largely from the fear men had for these ubiquitous and innumerable deities; apparently there was no reason now why a man should not do as he pleased, so long as he remained within the law. A disintegrating individualism had weakened the Athenian character, and left the city a prey at last to the sternly-nurtured Spartans. And as for the state, what could have been more ridiculous than this mobbed, passion-ridden democracy, this government by a debating-society, this precipitate selection and dismissal and execution of generals, this unchoice choice of simple farmers and tradesmen, in alphabetical rotation, as members of the Supreme Court of the land? How could a new and natural morality be developed in Athens, and how could the state be saved?
1、No topics could have been more vital than these to the young Athenians of that generation.