1.The only true power comes from within.真正的力量源自内心。
2.You are the light of my life.你是我的生命之光。
3.We have seen our way through even the darkest nights.即便在至暗黑夜,也能找到前进道路。
4.Seize the day. Gather your rosebuds while you may.折花趁年华,莫负好时光。
5.You can't let fear hold you back.别让恐惧阻止你。
6.If you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further.既然已跋涉至此,不妨一鼓作气,走得更远些。
7.You are scored on my heart.你在我的心上留下了印记。
8.Every good thing started with dreams.世上所有的美好,都源于梦想。
9.Sometimes we don't realize how important something is until it's gone.有时,我们在失去后才懂得珍惜。
10.The future is never truly set.未来一切皆有可能。
11.It is not too late to seek a newer world.找寻你的新天地永远也不算晚。
12.I stand before you now with only one agenda. "To let you know my heart is yours."
13.We're going forward to the future,not back into the past.我们要走向未来,而不是沉湎于过去。
14.What is a friend? It's a single soul dwelling in two bodies.什么是朋友?是拥有相同灵魂的两个人。
15.You will never age for me.在我心中,你永远年轻。
16.I spent so long in the darkness. I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.在黑暗中太久,都快忘却黑夜下月光的美。
17.We may get knocked we'll never be knock.
18.With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.尽我之力,解你烦忧。
19.You never lose everything.你永远不会失去一切。
20.We can't leave our children in the world without hope.我们不能让孩子们活在没有希望的世界。
21.CHASE THE THRILL。驾「控」触动心潮
22.Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle.冬天适合待在室内相互依偎。
23.People love what other people are passionate about.充满热情的付出总是令人动容。
24.The business of life is the acquisition of memories.人生就是不断收获回忆的过程。
25.This is Christmas! The season of perpetual hope.生活充满希望,这就是圣诞节的模样!
26.It is the time that you have devoted to her that makes your rose so important.正是你为你的玫瑰付出了时间,它才会如此重要。
27.If you only do what you can do,you will never be more than you are now.如果你只做自己能力范围之内的事情,就永远没法进步。
28.I excel at many things, but getting over you wasn't one of them.我擅长很多事,却做不到忘记你。
29.Forgetting the trauma of childbirth is one of the great gifts of the universe.
30.I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the Ages of this world alone.我愿与你携手一生,不愿独自面对沧桑变化。
31.We will ring in the New Year together.让我们一起敲响新年的钟声!