The first two evaluators have concluded all the improvement.I'm confident that my speaker cherry is the best one.
Last time, the evaluator said that if her speech can add more body language and eye contact that will be better.
Her speech owned the following advantages.
Firstly,she set the storytelling opening.Do you still remember she mentioned the Japan trip.It's vivid and appealing.
Secondly,her speech can connect with audience based on humor.When she mentioned the most attacitve woman and most popular product in the world and the detailed example can give us humor.
Thirdly,her body language and eye contact can make us observe on her speech.If she can walk back and forth that will be better.It is also very difficult for me.(同步在台上来回走,做出示例)
Fourth,the usage of parallel sentences made us impressed by the popularity of Qingliang oil.
However if you can pay more attention to your structure of speech that will better.When you see the yellow card as I faced just take it easy and finish your speech with a more meaningful ending and let us learn something you want to express.