



Why Conduct an Orientation?为什么要举办培训?

People who join your club usually have a problem or a need pertaining to public speaking or leadership and are convinced that Toastmasters can help. It’s now time to begin delivering the benefits of Toastmasters membership.

Before new members can become integral components of your club’s membership, they must confront two types of anxiety: One is the idea of standing before an audience and presenting a speech or leading a meeting. The second anxiety is the normal human concern associated with joining any unfamiliar group and seeking acceptance.

New members need an opportunity to discuss their problems and needs before embarking on a self-development program. They need reassurance that they have made the right decision in joining a Toastmasters club. They need specific information about the Toastmasters program: how it works, how to get the most from it, what is expected of them, etc. Finally, they need to feel welcome and at ease—to sense that the club really cares about them and wants to help them.

An orientation helps new members feel less anxious and more confident so they can solve their problems and meet their self-development needs. New members who understand the club’s purpose and structure will identify more readily with the club and its members. They will also develop a sense of pride and belonging. If they feel that the club cares about them, they will instinctively associate themselves with the club’s goals and will be less likely to leave.

Creating a Social Contract

Whether you think of it in these terms or not, the act of someone joining your Toastmasters club implies a social contract.

When accepting a new member, your club is agreeing to provide an enjoyable environment in which the member can learn, grow, and achieve. In return, the new member is expected to behave in agreement with A Toastmaster’s Promise and Policy 3.0: Ethics and Conduct.

When both parties live up to this social contract, your club will have a loyal, valuable member who will obtain meaningful benefits from membership. If either party breaks the social contract, the member-club relationship will be neither satisfactory nor long-lasting.

The orientation is an excellent opportunity for both the member and the club to learn what is expected of them. A good orientation can, without mentioning it as such, establish a social contract that is firm, satisfying, and mutually beneficial.

The Orientation Interview


The recommended format for the new member orientation is a two-way interview led by the vice president education. If you wish, you may include the new member’s sponsor or mentor.

Here are some tips for a successful orientation interview:

  • Create a favorable climate. Don’t conduct an orientation interview during a club meeting. Instead, hold it in a quiet, pleasant place where all participants feel comfortable and at ease. The interview doesn’t have to be lengthy—15 or 20 minutes should be adequate.

  • Develop a personal rapport.Take a few minutes to get acquainted. You may wish to share some of your own Toastmasters experiences with the new member and discuss how your club membership has benefited you.

  • Be attentive and show genuine interest. This is important in convincing the new member that your club cares about them and wants to help.

  • Be positive and enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is infectious. If you reflect confidence that Toastmasters can significantly benefit the new member, some of your confidence will rub off. The new member’s negative anxieties will be replaced by positive self-confidence.

  • Be knowledgeable. Prepare yourself for the questions a new member might ask about Toastmasters or your club.

Conducting the Orientation Interview


There are four major steps to a successful new member orientation interview. First, you determine why the individual has joined Toastmasters and what that person seeks to gain from membership in your club. Second, you establish a social contract by discovering the member’s objectives and relating specific obligations assumed by the member and the club. Third, you explain the Toastmasters program—how it works, how meetings are run, how the club operates, and what each member’s role is. Finally, you take specific actions designed to actively involve the new member in the club’s programs and ensure that the member begins to benefit immediately.

STEP ONE: Determine the Member’s Needs


After taking a few minutes to get acquainted, focus on the reasons the new member has joined Toastmasters. The New Member Profile (Item 1162F) can be used to help collect this information.

Your first task is to identify what can be called the performance discrepancy. Simply put, this is the difference between how someone would like to appear before a group of people as a speaker or leader and how that individual actually performs.This discrepancy is multifaceted—there are several areas in which improvement is warranted.

Ask these questions: 问这些问题:
What objectives do you hope to accomplish as a member of this club?作为俱乐部的一员,你希望达到什么目标?

  • Are public speaking or leadership skills a requirement of your job or profession? 公众演讲或领导能力是你的工作或职业的要求吗?
  • How would you describe your current skill level as a speaker or leader? 作为演讲者或领导者,你目前的技能水平如何?
  • Do you have any specific fears relative to public speaking or leadership? 你对公开演讲或领导能力有什么特别的恐惧吗?
  • Why did you choose to join a Toastmasters club? 你为什么选择加入演讲会?
  • What can the club do to help you accomplish your goals? 俱乐部能做些什么来帮助你达成你的目标?
  • Do you wish to improve your ability to . . . 您希望提升以下哪些能力…
    Persuade and convince others? 劝说和说服他人?
    Put ideas across clearly and understandably? 清晰易懂地表达自己的想法?
    Improve your self-confidence before a group of people? 在一群人面前提升自信?
    Think quickly and clearly under pressure? 在压力下能快速清晰地思考?
    Become skilled in group leadership? 成为团队领导的技能?
    Listen effectively and critically? 有效地、批判性地聆听?
    Tactfully evaluate someone else’s efforts? 有技巧地评估别人的努力?
    Gracefully accept helpful criticism? 得体地接受有益的批评?
    Other (List on New Member Profile) 其他(可查看新会员信息表)

STEP TWO: Establish the Social Contract


This step involves three processes. First, you relate the new member’s performance discrepancy to participation in your club’s programs and activities. Second, you explain what the club will do to help narrow or eliminate the discrepancy. Third, you discuss what the club expects from each member.

The first process is probably the most difficult part of the orientation interview, because you can’t prepare for it. You will essentially be reacting to what the other person has said during the first step. As you listen to the new member, ask yourself, “Is it reasonable to expect the results this person seeks? Can Toastmasters training help this individual become the speaker or leader he or she wants to be?” In most cases, the answer will be affirmative.

Be positive yet realistic. For example, if the new member has recently been promoted to a job that requires delivering a verbal report at the company’s weekly staff meeting and wishes to do so in a clear, concise manner, you can feel confident that Toastmasters can help meet this person’s needs. On the other hand, if the new member wants to be a well-paid performer on the speaking circuit within one year, it’s unlikely this will occur unless the individual is already a highly skilled speaker.

The second process is an explanation of the club’s responsibilities in the social contract, although you shouldn’t describe it in these terms. Instead, explain that the club will help the new member achieve results by:

  • Providing the member with opportunities to speak and lead.为会员提供发表演讲和领导的机会。
  • Providing helpful, supportive evaluations.提供有益的、支持性的评价。
  • Providing a positive atmosphere that builds self-confidence and helps members overcome fear and nervousness.提供积极的氛围,建立自信,帮助成员克服恐惧和紧张。
  • Providing education programs that are stimulating and enjoyable.提供激励性和有趣的教育项目。
  • Providing each new member with a mentor, who is an experienced Toastmaster assigned to guide the new Toastmaster through the first few assignments.为每个新会员提供一名导师,他是一位经验丰富的头马会员,被指派指导新会员完成最初的几项任务。

In the third process, you complete the social contract by explaining what the club expects from each member. Upon joining the club, members are committed to:

  • Attend meetings regularly and fulfill all assignments. They must notify the club in advance when they cannot attend a meeting.

  • Work from the education program and fulfill the objectives of each project assignment. The Toastmasters education programs comprise a professionally engineered progression of learning experiences.

  • Achieve education awards.The Toastmasters recognition system is the means to measure members’
    self-development success.

  • Participate in all club programs and activities. A group can be successful only when each member supports it.

  • Evaluate others in a positive, constructive manner. Individual improvement is achieved through the help and encouragement of other members.

  • Build open, friendly relationships with fellow members. Spirit, camaraderie, and genuine caring are the catalysts that make meetings both educational and enjoyable.

  • Help bring new members into the club. It is each member’s responsibility to keep the club strong and dynamic. It is also satisfying to share the benefits of a Toastmasters membership with others.

STEP THREE: Explain How Toastmasters Works


In this step, you provide the new member with the practical aspects of Toastmasters. Cover the following topics, using your own words.

  • Toastmasters International—Toastmasters is a worldwide organization devoted to empowering individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Toastmasters was founded in 1924 by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley and is headquar�tered in Rancho Santa Margarita, California. Toastmasters offers its members a learn-by-doing workshop in which they can learn and practice skills that are directly related to success in business and other areas of life.
    国际演讲会——演讲会是一个全球性的组织,致力于使个人成为更有效的沟通者和领导者。国际演讲会于1924年由Ralph C. Smedley博士创立,总部位于加利福尼亚州的Rancho Santa Margarita。Toastmasters为其成员提供了一个“Learn by doing”的研讨会,在那里他们可以学习和实践与商业和生活其他领域的成功直接相关的技能。

  • Your Club—Briefly explain how your club operates, when and where it meets, its administrative policies, dues structure, etc. Some clubs provide new members with printed handbooks and/or copies of their bylaws; if your club does, now is an appropriate time to do so.

  • Meeting Assignment—Describe the various functions performed by members at each meeting: Toastmaster, Topicsmaster, General Evaluator, grammarian, etc. Explain how often members fulfill each of these functions and review the standard agenda for a club meeting.

  • Club Officers—Briefly describe the duties of each club officer. Explain that members are encouraged to seek these offices, each of which offers leadership training that relates to vital management skills.

  • Evaluation—Explain the Toastmasters evaluation system: who performs evaluations, how long they are, their structure, and the elements of a good evaluation.

  • Involvement Opportunities—Describe the many additional opportunities available to members, including speech contest participation, district conferences, the International Convention, Speechcraft, and leadership opportunities above the club level (area director, etc.).

  • Education Program—Describe the Toastmasters education program, reviewing the milestones and obtainable awards, and emphasizing that the awards are worthwhile self-development goals. Inform the member they will soon receive a welcome email from Toastmasters International, which contains more information on getting started.
    教育体系——描述演讲会的教育体系,查看里程碑和可获得的奖项,并强调这些奖项是值得自我发展的目标。通知会员,他们将很快收到来自Toastmasters International的欢迎电子邮件,其中包含更多关于开启的信息。

Traditional Education Program


The traditional education program is an important part of every Toastmaster’s journey and is a critical aspect of every club meeting around the world. It is based on a proven curriculum that enables you to develop your communication and leadership skills one step at a time. The program is built on four guiding principles that have been in place since Toastmasters was founded in 1924:

  • Experiential Learning—we learn by doing; by giving speeches and fulfilling leadership roles, we practice and improve
  • Self-paced Program—we learn best at our own pace and comfort level
  • Peer Feedback—through honest and supportive peer evaluation, we grow and improve
  • Mentoring—experienced members encourage, guide and support us in our goals and help us to achieve more than we thought possible


  • 体验式学习——我们通过做来学习;通过演讲和履行领导角色,我们练习和提高

  • 自我定节奏——我们在我们自己的节奏和舒适水平学习最好

  • 同伴给反馈——通过诚实和支持性的同伴评价,我们成长和提高

  • 导师制度——经验丰富的会员鼓励、指导和支持我们的目标,并帮助我们实现超出我们想象的目标

Toastmasters Pathways Learning Experience


The Toastmasters Pathways learning experience is a self-paced program designed to help members meet their goals. The speeches you give in your club will be based on assignments in Pathways; every project assignment concludes with a speech you deliver in front of your club.
By completing projects and giving speeches, you challenge yourself to build and refine skills in different areas—communication, leadership, management, strategic planning, service to others, public speaking and more. You have the opportunity to complete projects that range in topic from persuasive speaking to motivating others to creating a podcast to leading a group in a difficult situation.
Learn more about the education programs at http://www.toastmasters.org/education.




STEP FOUR: Take Action


  • Assign an experienced club member to serve as the new member’s mentor. Arrange for the two to get together prior to the new member’s Ice Breaker speech.

  • Schedule the Ice Breaker speech, and give the new member a copy of the Ice Breaker project, available at

  • Schedule the new member’s induction ceremony and notify the club president.

  • Arrange a follow-up interview after the fourth project. The purpose of the follow-up interview is to discuss the member’s progress and reaffirm their commitment to continued self-development.

  • 指派一位经验丰富的会员担任新会的导师。安排两人在新成员的破冰演讲前聚在一起。

  • 安排破冰演讲,并给新成员一份破冰演讲项目的副本,可在www.toastmasters.org/icebreaker获得。

  • 安排新会员的入会仪式,并通知俱乐部主席。

  • 安排第四个项目后的后续面谈。后续访谈的目的是讨论成员的进步,重申他们对持续自我发展的承诺。


1、本文手册:Orienting New Members - 1167J的2017版(英文)
2、NMO 官网介绍
3、NMO PPT模板(英文)

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