今天看到一个词汇Mashup of A and B, 意为A与B的(视频或音频)混合。看到这个短语,我眼前浮现出另一个外形与mash相似的词汇mesh,这两个词汇有何不同?今天我们就彻底把它们搞清楚。
1. If you mash food that is solid but soft, you crush it so that it forms a soft mass.
例句:Mash the bananas with a fork. 用叉子将香蕉捣碎
2. A mash of food is a soft mass of food. It is often a mixture of several ingredients
例句:They ate a mash of 2 potatoes, 2 carrots & cabbage.他们吃的是用2个土豆、2个胡萝卜和卷心菜做得糊糊。
再来看看字典中对mesh的解释,与mash一样,这个词汇也有动词、名词两重含义,既指“(使)默契配合‘, 又指”(金属丝、塑料或线织成的)网状物“。
1. If two things or ideas mesh or are meshed, they go together well or fit together closely.
例句:Their senses of humor meshed perfectly.他们的幽默感配合得天衣无缝。
2. Mesh is material like a net made from wire, thread, or plastic.
例句:The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh.底楼的窗户被铁丝网罩着。
另外,渔网样式的上衣称为 mesh shirt,而渔网袜称为 fishnet stocking。
最后,mash的发音为[m], mesh为[me] ,对中国人来说容易混淆,请多多注意。