A: 我挑选了一本《I’m A Big Sister》的故事重读。以前完全照本宣科,按照书中的语句给孩子讲述,现在我增加了很多语句改变和互动,其中改变部分用#标识开始和结束。
# Look!What can you see inthe cover? #
Someone new is at our house.
Do you know who it is?
#who is waiting at the door? #
# Is she happy? #
It’s our baby!
I’m a big sister now!
#Oh! The baby is so little. Ha-ha!The baby is
playing with mom’s hair#
The baby is so little. Too little to walk.
Too little to talk. Too little to play with toys. Too little to eat pizza or
apples or ice cream.
#Can your brother eat apple & ice-cream
#Can your brother play with toys now? #
Babies like to drink milk. They like to
sleep. The like to be warm and cozy. Our baby likes to look at me.
#Your brother also likes to look at you. Do
you know? He like to do exactly the same things just follow you. Jump with you,
Sing with you, and draw with you, and do lot of things with you#
“Look at me, baby. I’m your big sister”
“Can I hold our baby?” I must ask Mommy
#If you want to hold your brother, you must
ask me too. He is a bit heavy now. You need to take care. Do not hurt you both.#
I am gentle with the baby. I sing a little
baby song. I’m a big sister. I can make our baby warm and cozy.
Sometimes the baby cries.
#Oh! Why the baby cry?#
Daddy says, ”Babies cry to tell us
something. Let’s see what’s the matter.”
Oh, It’s time to chang the baby’s diaper.
It’s time for a bottle, too.
I can help- I’m a big sister now.
#You can help more now. You can give the
biscuit & water to your brother. Right? #
Mommy and Daddy show me pictures.
Pictures of me when I was a baby.
I was little. too-just like our baby.
# Mom misses your baby face very much. Mom
loves you very much. #
Now I am big! It’s fun being big.
I can walk. I can talk. I can play with
toys. I can eat pizza and apples and ice cream!
#What else you can do?#
Mommy loves me.Daddy loves me.
#and your Grandma and Grandpa love you.
Your brother loves you, too #
I am a special to them.
I’m the only me in the whole world!
I’m special in a new way, too—I’m a big
sister now!
除了书中引导的 I can walk, I can talk, I can eat pizza, apples, Ice cream,
她还能继续表达出I can dance, I can swim, I can ride my bike,等等
可能我有充分的准备,语调和语速都很舒服,孩子有几次很礼貌的打断,问“老师,请问gentle 是什么意思”“老师,cozy 是什么意思”,然后才反应过来改口“妈妈”,这也是我的亲子阅读由散漫化向专业级别改变的佐证吧。
A: 我家有一个三米长度的宜家书柜,现在已经完全装满了,后面考虑做图书墙或借阅绘本馆,或者利用先进的电子产品-电纸书之类,房间实体已经满足不了孩子对阅读不断扩大的需求。