Appreciate water
Did you know that many things in our lives require lots of water to be produced?
For example:
1 cup of coffee requires 37 gallons of water
1 slice of bread requires 11 gallons of water
1 egg requires 53 gallons of water
1 pound beef requires 1799 gallons of water (I know what you are thinking... Wow!)
1 glass of wine requires 63.4 gallons of water
And of course, more than 50% of our human bodies are made of water. New borns are with the highest percentage of water.
A while back, I designed three posters that calling for people to appreciate water, containing some interesting facts about water that I think all of us should be aware.
Water and home
Water and party
Water and fine dining
Let's appreciate water, and turn off those taps when you don't need to use them.