2015年3月,国务院发 布了旨在提升中国制造业水平 的规划《中国制造2025》 这一规划是中国建设制造业强 国'的“三个十年”战略中头十年的行动纲领.
The State Council unveiled the Made in China 2025 program in March 2015, which aims to upgrade the country’s manufacturing capabilities. The program constitutes the first of China’s three 10-year plans for building itself into a manufacturing powerhouse.
在“中国制造遍布全 球的时代,中国政府希望通过 政策引领,将中国制造变得够 强,推动中国到2025年基本 实现工业化
As products made in China saturate markets around the globe, the Chinese Government hopes to further strengthen China’s manufacturing prowess under the guidance of the policy in order for the country to achieve general industrialization by 2025.
这一目标是非常切合实 际的一中国制造业规模虽大 但还不够强,大部分尖端核心 技术都是西方发达国家创造 的,因此,不管是出于国家战 略需要,还是从经济社会发展 需求来考虑,中国都需要把自 己打造成为世界制造业强国。
Such a goal is apposite given the realities China now faces. Despite its massive output, China’s manufacturing sector is far from dominant, with the majority of cutting-edge and core technologies being created in developed Western countries. The country, therefore, is required to grow itself into manufacturing power, an initiative that has bearing on both its national strategy and the social and economic development needs.
目前全球正在掀起以制 造业智能化网络化 , 为核心的 新一轮科技革命,这一次变革 恰与中国建设制造强国形成历 史性的交汇
The present spate of the technological revolution in the world, which centers on smart production and the Internet Things, will put wind in the sails of the aforementioned initiative.
中国打造制造业强国 是以现代信息化与工业化深 度融合为主线一《中国制造 2025》确定了10个重点领域, 新一代信息技术高居榜首。
Efforts to bolster China’s manufacturing strength will concentrate on the integration of information technology and industrialization. In the State Council’s plan, 10 areas of focus are singled out, with information technology taking the top spot.
2015年6月,4集纪录 片《光明与阴霾》在中央电 视台播出,引发了热议二许 多专家、学者认为,这部纪 录片客观分析了德日两国对 二故的不同态度及产生的不 同影响,具有较强的说服力。
The four-episode document Truth and Denial, aired by China Central Television, the country’s national broadcaster, in June 2015, sparked much discussion. Experts and scholars believed that this documentary made some persuasive arguments based on its objective analysis of the different attitudes held by Germany and Japan toward their respective roles in World War II (WWII).
随着时间的推移,目睹 历史真相的当事人越来越少 该片的制作者们通过采访研 究者、政界[人士、普通民众, 收集近年来的专业研究成果, 系统披露不少鲜为人知的重 要历史事实
With the passage of time, the number of living survivors of the war has dwindled. The documentary’s producers have attempted to recreate for the audience important scenarios of that time by interviewing researcher, personnel in political circles and ordinary people, drawing upon the most up-to-date research findings and bringing to light some little-known historical facts.
该片讲述了战后德国敢 于面对战争侵略历史,不断进 行历史反思的过程,正是德国 进行了深刻的历史反思才 获得了周边邻国的谅解和尊 重,为战后德国创造了良好的 发展环境,
The documentary observes the fact that Germany has been able to face up to its history of invasion and willing to continue to reflect on its history. It is because of this contemplative attitude that Germany has won forgiveness and respect from its neighbors, creating a good environment for its post-WWII development.
日本对待这场战争的反 省并采取的赎邪’措施远远不 够。日本一些很有影响的人 念念不忘否认侵略历史。日 本政府不顾邻国的严重关切 和本国人民的反对,正在制 造事实上的地区军备竞赛。
Japan has done too little to repent its wartime actions and make amends of them. Some influential figures in Japan have never missed any opportunity to deny their country’s history of aggression. Disregarding its neighbor’s legitimate concerns and opposition from its own people, the Japanese Government is fueling a de facto regional arms race.