近日,Netflix 新剧《永不满足》(“Insatiable”)开播了,这部剧讲述的是肥胖女孩逆袭减肥血泪史。但令人意外的是,竟有20万人集体在网上请愿,请求该剧停播。理由是这部剧宣扬的“肥胖可耻”价值观,让人很难接受。
同是今年的新剧,福克斯有线电视网 FX 出品的《姿态》(“Pose”)展示了80年代少数族裔酷儿群体的生存状态,勇敢为 LGBTQ(Lesbian,女同性恋者;Gay,男同性恋者;Bisexuals,双性恋者;Transgendered 变性者;以及 Questioning,对自己的性向、性别感到迷惑者)群体发声。面对这样的劲敌,Netflix 这部《永不满足》过时的价值观,输得真的不是一点点。
1. overweight: adj. 肥胖的;超重的
2. slim down: 变瘦;变苗条
I want to slim down a little bit before my birthday.
3. fatness: n. 肥胖
4. unflattering character traits: 不受欢迎的人格特质
· unflattering: adj. 不受欢迎的;不吸引人的;不好看的
· character traits: 人格特质;性格特征
The unflattering character traits could be a lot of things.
5. diet: n. (常规性的、经常重复的) 东西;饮食
· something provided or experienced repeatedly
1. feel the full weight of sth.: 感受来自某件事情的全部压力
It didn't represent the whole weight of the public opinion.
How can you take the weight of the public opinion?
2. air: vi./n. 上映;播出
· be on air: 上映;播出
They were both on air during summer.
3. trailer: n. 预告片
4. cancel the series: 砍掉某部剧;取消播放某部剧
· series: n. (电视或广播的) 系列节目
5. eventual viewing: 最终观看
· viewing: n. 观看;参观
6. television show: 电视节目
7. slam: vt. 抨击;批评
8. obscenely cruel: 残忍至极
· obscenely: adv. 骇人听闻地;伤风败俗地 (to a disgustingly or immorally extreme degree)
9. terminally dull: 无聊至极
· terminally: adv. 极其地;极度地
1. insatiable: adj. 贪得无厌的;不知足的
our insatiable thirst for knowledge
his insatiable appetite for power
2. normally: adv. 通常;一般
3. promise: vt. 宣告某件事情即将发生 vt./vi. 答应;承诺
· announce something as being expected to happen
4. enact revenge on sb.: 对某人实施报复
· enact: vt. 上演;实施
5. jaw wiring: 颌固定 (下颌骨折的时候,用板夹和金属丝来固定正位)
6. spark a / an (internet) firestorm: (在网上) 掀起 (抗议、不满或争论的) 大规模爆发
· firestorm: n. (抗议、批评的) 大规模爆发;热潮
7. sign a petition: 签署请愿书
8. accuse … of …: 谴责;控告
9. satire: n. 讽刺;讽刺文学/作品
10. plead with someone to do sth.: 恳求某人做某事
11. give it a chance: 给个机会;试一下
12. shorthand: n. 简单的表达方式
· a short and simple way of expressing or referring to something
13. inclusive: adj. 包容性强的
· an inclusive society: 兼容并蓄的社会