全球气候变化’及其不利 影响是人类共同关心的问题 「业革命以来的人类活动,尤 其是发达国家在匚业化过程「i1 大量消耗能源资源,导致大气 中温室气体浓度增加,对全 球自然生态系统产生了明显影 响.对人类社会的生存和发展 带来严重挑战
Global climate change and its adverse effects are a common concern of mankind. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, human activities, particularly the massive consumption of energy and resources by developed countries in the process of industrialization, have increased the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, produced conspicuous impacts on the natural ecosystems of the Earth, and posed severe challenges to the survival and development of human society.
中国是一个发展中国家, 人口众多、经济发展水平低、 气候条件复杂、小态环境「脆 弱,易受气候变化的不利影响。 气候变化对中国自然生态系统 和经济社会发展带来了现实的 威协,主要体现在农牧业、 林业、自然生态系统、水资源 等领域以及沿海和生态脆弱地 区,适应气候变化已成为中国 的迫切任务-同时,中国正处 于经济快速发展阶段,面临着 发展经济、消除贫困和战少温 宰气体排放''的多重压力,应 对气候变化的形势严峻,任务 繁重:
As a developing country with a large population, a relatively low level of economic development, a complex climate and a fragile eco-environment, China is vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, which has brought substantial threats to the natural ecosystems as well as the economic and social development of the country. These threats are particularly daunting in the fields of agriculture, livestock breeding, forestry, natural ecosystems and water resources, and in coastal and eco-fragile zones. Adapting itself to climate change has become a pressing task of China. The multiple pressures of developing the economy, eliminating poverty and reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases constitute difficulties for China in its efforts to cope with climate change, since the country is undergoing rapid economic development.
随着发展中国家经济快 速发展,温室气体排放不断 增长,其占全球价祯 ' 也呈上 升趋势,但就造成全球气候 变化的历史和现实责任而言. 发达国家占主导地位的结论 并未改变
Together with the skyrocketing economic growth of developing countries, these countries’ greenhouse gas emissions have been on the rise, accounting for an increasingly larger share in world’s total emissions. However, this does not change the fact that developed countries should take the lead in undertaking historical and current responsibilities for global climate change.
在1990年启动政府间气 候谈判之前,科学家早就提 出了温车枚仰的危害二氧 化碳有超过百年的寿命,自 工业革命以来排放的二氧化 碳仍存留在大气层。
Scientists had pointed out harmful consequences of the greenhouse effect long before intergovernmental climate negotiations were launched in 1990. As Carbon dioxide can stay in the air for more than a century, emissions spewed into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution still linger today.
而美国作为世界最先进 的工业化国家,不但退出了 《京都议定书》,国内气候 立法也长期停滞不前2009 年哥本哈根会议前公布的 2020年相比2005年减排17% 的目标也一度彼指过于宽 松,令国际社会大失所望。
The USA, the world’s leading industrialized country, not only withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol, but has long made no progress in its domestic climate legislation. The emission reduction target that it announced ahead of 2009 Copenhagen climate change conference—a 17-percent decrease by 2020 from its 2005 level—was accused of being too lax, much to the disappointment of the international community.
整个国际社会都期盼美 国在应对气候变化方面拿出 政治诚意,不仅减少燃煤电 厂’碳排放.更要履行各项国 际义务,包括为发展中国家 提供资金和技术
The international community excepts the USA to show political will in dealing with climate change, cut emissions from coal-fired power plants and fulfill its international obligations, including providing developing countries with funds and technologies.