How to keep up your step in Internet ages


Using the studying software,like Youdao like jinshandic ,jinshandic has a functionary, you can set a image with new word to lock your screen of your mobile phone, whenever you want to unlock you phone for some entertainment,you will see a beautiful image with new word,Don't you feel curious? then if you already know the word just slide left, you will see another word. if you don't know the word tap the word , a popup will show you the meaning and the pronunciation of the word. in case you can't remember the new word, you can add it to the new word list to help you to remember in the future or just in the coming days.



As for Youdao dictionary you can quickly look up a word with it .and the explanation is more correctly and exactly than it was in some other dictionaries.


And for note , I prefer using Evernote to write down the thought and the knowledge immediately when it comes to my mind.but Youdaoyun note is more convenient, to transfer some data.

Manage your time with your phone.


And in my phone there is no applets for entertainment, only some apps for study,and information,because the smartphone is too dam fucking important for us, cause we carry it wherever we are even to pee or let out shit you will take out your phone to look,it is most convenient thing we can get for now , if we use it for entertainment it will take most of our spare time ,like a killer killing us slowly but we even didn't notice it.if we use if for study ,it will be the most helpful friend,even not bad compared to you want to take a helpful friend always or a thief stoling your time?


As for Evernote and youdaonote ,they all have powerful applet in smartphone,you can use it everywhere, even lying on the bed.


For some books you want to read you don't want to buy the paper book,you can find them at the Weipan and Panduoduo, then download it as extension name of PDF or TXT , then transfer it to your phone,your phone is supporting these kinds of file format.


Take use of some video apps


If you feel that the only reading book is too boring, you can also get so many studying videos on the internet ,and the lecture videos also, like Wanmen university and TED speech, and Wangyi public class, it's all helpful for our study,the app I recommended for video study is Baiduyunnetdisk and Bilibili , they all support offline webstorage,you can download the video when a wifi is available and watch it whenever you want.

如果你觉得看书实在是看不下去,你可以找视频看啊,网上的资源很多的,像公开课,和各种speech,比如万门大学,TED speech,对学习都很用帮助,我推荐两个学习用的app一个是百度云一个是bilibili,大名鼎鼎的B站,他们全都支持在线缓存,但是百度云需要自己找资源,你可以在有wifi的时候缓存视频然后在没人的时候偷偷看。

  • 1 视频可以随时暂停,练习或者忙完了接着学,而课堂上老师不会等任何人,很可能听不懂的地方也过了
  • 2 视频可以倍速播放,有些比较无聊的地方,倍速真的是倍爽,但是课堂不可以
  • 3 视频听不懂的地方可以倒回来再听一遍,课堂上呢?
  • 4 视频可以下载完在任何地方看,而且可能很简单的课,每周只上一节一节40min要等好几个月才能学完一门很简单的课程,而视频可以一次下载全部看完,趁热打铁。
  • 5 资源方面,视频一般都是名师或者名校进行录制,质量相比二三流的学校只会念ppt的老师简直。。。总之强烈推荐视频学习
    And for the computer PC study software I recommended Evernote, it can edit in your PC and upload then synchronize it to your you can study everywhere after class.


Learn to use the search engine.if you don't know something surf it in baidu,if you want to know some thing,surf it in the baidu.


With all those helpers I think it will be easy for you to learn a kind of language or a kind of new skill.Anyway it is a age about the explosion of the knowledge. So you should be determined to study all the time in your whole life cause new things come out everyday.It's never too late to learn and it's never too old to learn.Don't waste time, clearlify your purpose, go straight for it.


Get access to the knowledge,and the excellent people.


Internet gives us the most exactly way to get knowledge,In the past ,there is a most fatal reason, that some can't study well,is that they were been kept away from studying resources.but today Internet breaks all.We can get access to the studying resources,get the best teacher online,get the best idea,and useful study trick from all over the world.It's the best time,because there is no more different in getting access to the study resources .


But still, some people spend all day immersed In the internet,why they can't be excellent.


That's because they just drowned themselves in useless chatting,shopping,movie,and mostly games,there is no wonder they can't be excellent in some area,cause they are already excellent in game and that takes most of their time and energy and even health.But how does some people keep themselves away from those staffs?


Improve your self control ability and improve your efficiency.> 提高自制力和效率Got something in hand to do, and got ambitions in mind. and prioritize your task then execute them in order. Your can prioritize your task by the picture below.



Seize the point then you will find it might be easy to deal with some huge task which looks hard.And it will escalate your motivation you might not find game more interesting than the pleasure dealing with complicate questions.and don't forget to enhance the feeling by rewording yourself. soon you will get out of that situation.


And at last,keep a custom to study, it's won't last long if your study only rely on passion,cause passion is easy to fade. so keep it a custom.


resource recommend:
B站: 如何利用一年的时间学完麻省理工的计算机课程 国内:
MIT open source
掘金社区 简书 知乎
quora segmentFault stackOverflow

最后引用海贼王的一句话 ,大互联网时代来了,所有的一切都在那里,知识,名誉,资源,去吧去使用他吧!了解你想了解的一切! be continued.
Originally written by Awesome199 All rights reserved. No transshipment without permission.

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