Think Positive!
How are you feeling today?
If your head's in a spin because you're had a bad night's sleep, or you're hungover, or maybe you're just got too much to do, the chances are you're not in the best of moods.
spin: v/n.旋转,转动(rotate/turn/wheel/revolve)
hungover/hung-over: adj. 宿醉
chance: n. 机会;可能性;风险;偶然;vt.冒险;adj. 偶然的
If everything seems like an effort and you have a negative attitude, the last thing you want to be told is to "be positive!"
the last thing: 这里指不愿意,不喜欢的事情
effort: n. 力气,精力;努力
But having this mindset could have more benefits than you think.
mindset: n. 观念模式,思维导向
Of course, developing a positive attitude is easier said than done --- it doesn't come naturally to everyone. When you're feeling down in the dumps , it's hard to be optimistic.
naturally: adv. 自然地;天生地;不做作地
dump: vt. 乱扔;丢弃;结束;掩埋;n. 垃圾场;仓库;邋遢地方;
down in the dumps: 情绪低落;垂头丧气;心情跌入谷底
翻译:当然,培养一个积极的态度说起来容易做起来难 --- 不是每个人天生就如此的。当你情绪低落的时候,很难乐观起来。
But a study in the US has found that people who are optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life. It revealed the likelihood of positive people living to the age of 85 or more to be higher.
approach: vi/vt. (空间和时间上)靠近;接近;处理;对付;接洽; n. 方法;态度;手段;靠近;接近;(可替换attitude)
reveal: vt. 揭示,揭露;展现,显露;(可替换show)
likelihood: n. 可能性;可能的事(可替换possibility)
So, maybe the thought of longer life might encourage you to have a more hopeful outlook on life.
outlook: n. 世界观;前景;景色
The study concluded that optimists may find it easier to control emotions and get less stressed. And as stress impacts on the immune system, it's possible that optimists cope better with infections.
as: 这里译作”由于“
conclude: vt. 推断出;作出结论;达成(协议)vi/vt. 终止;(使)结束
impact: n. 影响力;作用;撞击;(消极的感情色彩)vi/vt. 对...产生影响;冲击;撞击
influence: n. 影响(力);有影响力的人或物(积极的感情色彩)
have an impact on 对...产生重大影响
immune system:免疫系统
infection: n. 感染;传染;传染病
cope: vi. (成功地)应对;处理
cope with/deal with/handle with的区别
cope with处理严重的问题,测重能成功的处理,还有配合/适应的意思
handle with侧重操控的意思
deal with处理具体的、非具体、一般的事务,还有交易/打交道的意思
Professor Weina Lee from Boston University School of Medicine, who worked on the study, told the BBC that, "Our findings speak to the possibility that raising levels of optimism may promote longevity and healthy aging.
longevity: n. 长寿,长命
aging: n. 老化 adj. 变老的,老化的
And she advises that pessimists could benefit from doing things like imaging a future where everything turns out well. But if you're a "glass half empty" type of person, could seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses work for you?
pessimist: 悲观主义者
"glass half empty" type of person:指悲观型的人
rose-coloured/rose-tinted glasses:指乐观的看待事物
Accepting that we all have problems and that we're not all the same , helps us to get a grip on our emotions. Some people say it's best celebrate the positives and not dwell on the negative parts of our lives.
grip vt. 握住;强烈影响;吸引 n. 紧握;掌控;理解;抓力
grip on: 掌控;支配;控制
dwell vt. 居住
People have been giving the BBC their personal advices on keeping a healthy and positive approach to life:
Vicki Siska says, "Music feeds my soul, a sense of humour keeps things in perspective, and have good friends who love and care for me."
And Pippa Kennedy says, "being grateful for what you have -- and lots of chocolate -- helps!"
humour: n.幽默;心情 vt.迁就;迎合
grateful: adj. 感激的
The saying goes that "a healthy body leads a healthy mind " which is probably why other people have recommended doing yoga and meditation as well as staying fit and healthy to help maintain a positive outlook on life.
meditation: n. 冥想;感想;沉思
as well as: (1)和;前后连接的是不同的整体 A as well as B,强调A (2)除...之外,还有...; 后接n/v-ing