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How, at 93 million miles away, does the sun feel so warm, yet when a simple cloud passes over it the warmth is incredibly dampened?
【单词】miles 原型:mile [mahyl][maɪl] n. 英里
【单词】warm [wawrm][wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的
【单词】cloud [kloud][klaʊd] n. 云;阴影
【单词】passes 原型:pass [pas, pahs][pɑːs] v. 通过;经过
【单词】warmth [wawrmth][wɔːmθ] n. 温暖;热烈;热情;热心
【单词】incredibly [in-'kred-uh-buhl][ɪn'kredəbli] adv. 极其;难以置信地
【单词】dampened 原型:dampen ['dam-puhn]['dæmpən] v. (使)潮湿;使沮丧;抑制
So when you feel the sun's warmth, you're not feeling heat coming from the sun.
【单词】heat [heet][hiːt] n. 热度;热
You're instead feeling heat created on your skin by the sun's light.
【单词】created 原型:create [kree-'eyt][kri'eɪt] v. 创造;造成
【单词】skin [skin][skɪn] n. 皮肤;外皮
Light carries energy.
【单词】carries 原型:carry ['kar-ee]['kæri] v. 携带;带有;传播;承载
【单词】light [lahyt][laɪt] n. 光;光线
Things with colour, like your skin, absorb light.
【单词】absorb [ab-'sawrb, -'zawrb][əb'sɔːb] vt. 吸收;吸引 ... 的注意;吞并;承受
When they do, the atoms that make them up get 'excited'.
【单词】atoms 原型:atom ['at-uhm]['ætəm] n. 原子;微粒
【单词】excited [ik-'sahy-tid][ɪk'saɪtɪd] adj. 感到兴奋的;激动的
Depending on the atom, and what state its in, a few things can happen.
【单词】Depending 原型:depend [dih-'pend][dɪ'pend] vi. 依赖;依靠;取决于
【单词】atom ['at-uhm]['ætəm] n. 原子;微粒
【单词】happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现
If the atom is part of a molecule that energy can go to work breaking it out of the molecule.
【短语】part of ... (某事物的)一部分;例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。
【单词】molecule ['mol-uh-kyool]['mɒlɪkjuːl] n. 分子;微粒
【单词】breaking 原型:break [breyk][breɪk] v. 打碎;折断
If the atom or molecule is on the surface of a solid or liquid, the energy can go towards flinging it off, into the air, turning into a gas.
【短语】turn into ... 变成,进入,转到...;例句:They turn into this street. 他们转入这条街上。
【单词】surface ['sur-fis]['sɜːfɪs] n. 表面;外表;平面
【单词】solid ['sol-id]['sɒlɪd] n. 固体
【单词】liquid ['lik-wid]['lɪkwɪd] n. 液体
【单词】flinging 原型:fling [fling][flɪŋ] vt. 投;粗暴地推向 ...;猛冲
【单词】gas [gas][ɡæs] n. 气体
If there's not enough energy to do either of those things, then the atom will just release the energy to its surroundings.
【单词】release [ri-'lees][rɪ'liːs] n. 释放
【单词】surroundings 原型:surrounding [suh-'roun-ding][sə'raʊndɪŋ] n. 环境;周围的事物
Most of the time, most of the energy is released as heat.
【短语】most of ... 大部分,大多数的;绝大多数;例句:I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。
This is what you feel when the sun feels warm.
Sometimes the energy can be released as light.
This is how glow-in-the-dark things work.
A cloud doesn't block all the light from the sun, but it does scatter a lot of it.
【单词】block [blok][blɒk] v. 阻塞
【单词】scatter ['skat-er]['skætə] vt. 散播;撒;驱散
Think of water droplets in a cloud like a million tiny disco balls.
【单词】droplets 原型:droplet ['drop-lit]['drɒplət] n. 小滴;微滴
【单词】tiny ['tahy-nee]['taɪni] adj. 极小的;微小的
【单词】disco ball 指在迪斯科舞厅上空闪闪发亮的多面体反光球
The light that gets through is either too sparse to be noticeable, or high-enough energy that it causes damage instead (ie. UV light).
【单词】sparse [spahrs][spɑːs] adj. 稀少的;稀疏的
【单词】noticeable ['noh-ti-suh-buhl]['nəʊtɪsəbl] adj. 显而易见的;显著的;值得注意的
【单词】damage ['dam-ij]['dæmɪdʒ] n. 损害;损失;毁坏
【单词】UV 原型:uv [ˌjuː'viː] abbr. 紫外线(=ultraviolet)