L35-1:Justice was done
The word justice is usually associated with courts of law. We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt. Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law. Those who seek it, undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it. Judges, however wise or eminent, are human and can make mistakes.
There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract concept. Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference. At such times, justice acts like a living force. When we use a phrase like it serves him right, we are, in part, admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord. When a thief was caught on the premises of a large jewellery store one morning, the shop assistants must have found it impossible to resist the temptation to say 'it serves him right'. The shop was an old converted house with many large, disused fireplaces and tall, narrow chimneys. '
[ðə] [wɜːd] [ˈʤʌstɪs] [ɪz] [ˈjuːʒʊəli] [əˈsəʊʃɪeɪtɪd] [wɪð] [kɔːts] [ɒv] [lɔː]. [wiː] [maɪt] [seɪ] [ðæt] [ˈʤʌstɪs] [hæz] [biːn] [dʌn] [wɛn] [ə] [mænz] [ˈɪnəsəns] [ɔː] [gɪlt] [hæz] [biːn] [pruːvd] [bɪˈjɒnd] [daʊt]. [ˈʤʌstɪs] [ɪz] [pɑːt] [ɒv] [ðə] [ˈkɒmplɛks] [məˈʃiːnəri] [ɒv] [ðə] [lɔː]. [ðəʊz] [huː] [siːk] [ɪt], [ˌʌndəˈteɪk] [ən] [ˈɑːdjʊəs] [ˈʤɜːni] [ænd] [kæn] [ˈnɛvə] [biː] [ʃʊə] [ðæt] [ðeɪ] [wɪl] [faɪnd] [ɪt]. [ˈʤʌʤɪz], [haʊˈɛvə] [waɪz] [ɔːr] [ˈɛmɪnənt], [ɑː] [ˈhjuːmən] [ænd] [kæn] [meɪk] [mɪsˈteɪks].
[ðeər] [ɑː] [reər] [ˈɪnstənsɪz] [wɛn] [ˈʤʌstɪs] [ˈɔːlməʊst] [ˈsiːsɪz] [tuː] [biː] [ən] [ˈæbstrækt] [kənˈsɛpʃən]. [rɪˈwɔːd] [ɔː] [ˈpʌnɪʃmənt] [ɑː] [ˈmiːtɪd] [aʊt] [kwaɪt] [ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt] [ɒv] [ˈhjuːmən] [ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns]. [æt] [sʌʧ] [taɪmz], [ˈʤʌstɪs] [ækts] [laɪk] [ə] [ˈlɪvɪŋ] [fɔːs]. [wɛn] [wiː] [juːz] [ə] [freɪz] [laɪk] [ɪt] [sɜːvz] [hɪm] [raɪt], [wiː] [ɑː], [ɪn] [pɑːt], [ədˈmɪtɪŋ] [ðæt] [ə] [ˈsɜːtn] [sɛt] [ɒv] [ˈsɜːkəmstənsɪz] [hæz] [ɪˈneɪbld] [ˈʤʌstɪs] [tuː] [ækt] [ɒv] [ɪts] [əʊn] [əˈkɔːd]. [wɛn] [ə] [θiːf] [wɒz] [kɔːt] [ɒn] [ðə] [ˈprɛmɪsɪz] [ɒv] [ə] [lɑːʤ] [fɜː] [stɔː] [wʌn] [ˈmɔːnɪŋ], [ðə] [ʃɒp] [əˈsɪstənts] [mʌst] [hæv] [faʊnd] [ɪt] [ɪmˈpɒsəbl] [tuː] [rɪˈzɪst] [ðə] [tɛmpˈteɪʃən] [tuː] [seɪ] [ɪt] [sɜːvz] [hɪm] [raɪt]. [ðə] [ʃɒp] [wɒz] [ən] [əʊld]-[ˈfæʃənd] [wʌn] [wɪð] [ˈmɛni] [lɑːʤ], [dɪsˈjuːzd] [ˈfaɪəˌpleɪsɪz] [ænd] [tɔːl], [ˈnærəʊ] [ˈʧɪmniz]. '