There is an old improv phrase which may be good to remember in times of stress, risk, and uncertainty: “Think slow to move fast.” This may seem counterintuitive; however, by thinking quickly you may actually be missing the solutions right in front of you and getting farther away from something that would be a perfect outcome to the challenge you’re taking on. When you slow down and focus on being present in the moment, you may discover “offers” and opportunities right in front of you—gifts that might be unnoticed or ignored when you’re moving (or thinking) too quickly. Slowing the brain down can actually get you to your destination faster. As a result others will see your brand as a voice of clarity in times of stress, risk, and uncertainty.
Anyone who works in the higher levels of the modern business world would no doubt recognize that speed and complexity are hall�marks of that world. Speed and complexity don’t help us to become better thinkers though. Speed alone simply turns everything into a race in which we are eager to push forward and get somewhere first,whether that “somewhere” is a new product or a perfect pitch for a Hollywood blockbuster. Speed gets confused with progress: “If I’m moving quickly, I must be getting somewhere.” Nope, not necessarily.In fact poor decisions can come from uncontrolled or rushed decision making.
As for the matter of complexity there’s a tendency to believe that if you’re doing a lot of things and juggling a bunch of responsibilities,then things are being accomplished. The problem is that while most people think they are good at multitasking, the literature consistently demonstrates that we’re pretty terrible at it.1 Instead of doing one job effectively for an hour, we get in the habit of doing ten jobs ineffectively for 20 hours. We feel like a lot has been done because we’ve been so busy, when in fact time has been wasted and results are not optimal. Singular focus on what needs to be done at one particular time ends up being much more effective and efficient.
In turning “Yes, and” inward then, we aim to slow down our brain in order to recognize and understand what is happening in real time and to simplify, to find the root of the matter. To get that job done,one of the most powerful concepts in business improv is the self-audit.And any good self-audit begins with mindfulness.